Snape looks at you. You were also all he had. "I know darling, it's okay. I'll see what I can do about visiting...although, that might not be the best idea..." he says.

You look at him confused. "Why?" You ask.

He smirks and slightly grabs you from the back of the neck pulling you into a kiss. "I thought you knew..." he grabs you and pulls you onto his lap. "...I have a very hard time controlling myself with you..." he says as he slides his hands up and down your thighs.

You smile and kiss him again, pressing down onto him. "Yeah, I've noticed..." you tease. "But I do have the same problem." You slide your hand down chest.

"I thought you had to go.." he says while looking at you with an eyebrow raised.

You throw your head back and sigh. "Ughh... I do..but I really don't want to." You say.

He pulls you back of his lap and stands up, grabbing your dress and handing it to you. You grab and pull your shirt off right in front of him and he just watched you intently.

You put your dress back on and he's still just staring at you, his bulge very visible. You bite your lip, really not wanting to leave now but it was already getting later.

He walks towards you and pulls you into a kiss.

"Just find me before you get on that train tomorrow, I don't want you leaving without saying goodbye.." he says.

"I will Sev." You say and you kiss him one more time before grabbing your things and leave his room.

You only just left his classroom and walking back to the common room and you already missed him. You didn't know how you were going to survive 3 weeks.

When you get back Jane is awake just sitting in bed drawing in her notebook.

"Well hello there..." she says with a smirk on her face because she knows exactly where you were all night.

You just laugh "hello"

"Looks like someone had a good night." She wiggles her eyebrows and scans you.

You look in the mirror, your hair was a mess, your dress was all crooked and you had hickeys and straight up bruises all over your neck and chest.

"Fucking hell!" You say and look back to Jane.

She starts laughing so hard she almost fell off the bed. She gets up and walks over to you inspecting all the marks closer.

"He really did a number on you huh?" She laughs. "Well many many numbers by the looks of it." She says.

You playfully hit her shoulder as a shut up. She wasn't wrong though and it hit you, there was no hiding this from anyone, especially your father.

You didn't know if he would ask but he's definitely going to wonder about it and who did it.

You grab a t shirt and some sweat pants, trying not to think about it.

You start packing your trunk so your ready for the morning. You go through purse and pull out the necklace Severus got you and put it back on.

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