Writer's Block | Thoma x Reader

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A/n: Definitely not insinuating that I have writer's block with this oneshots book...Sorry updates have been nonexistent so far.


It was late in the evening, almost night. The stars could be seen twinkling overhead, despite it still technically being twilight. Though darkness was coming, there was still just enough visibility that a few people went about their business in the streets of the city. Shopkeepers were just beginning to close up for the day, and families that were still out began making their way home. Crickets could even be heard somewhere in the grassy patches. The entire scene was very peaceful.

Well, until a certain h/c haired individual came thundering down the path, disrupting the calmness of the night. You were in quite a rush, and several people narrowly managed to duck out of the way before you ran right into them.

"Late again, Y/n?" A restaurant owner called as you passed him by. You nodded, a sheepish smile crossing your face.

"I may have forgotten my new draft was due today..." You replied before glancing back to see the very figure you dreaded most in the world was starting to catch up with you. "Gotta go!" You shouted, picking up the pace and throwing yourself down the nearby flight of stone stairs and plotting the best escape route in your head.

You easily ruled out some of the more obvious ones like gliding off the nearby cliffs or trying to escape into the field that eventually lead to Chinju Forst, mainly because they'd already failed you before.

Though startling to some passersby, the circumstances you now found yourself in weren't exactly an uncommon occurrence, especially now that you were a permanent resident of Inazuma. You'd never thought moving away to work on your career as an author could be so eventful.

Now, reaching the bottom of the stairs, you could hear her close behind you, and you didn't even dare to look back and confirm her proximity. Instead, you kept running, weaving between buildings in the hopes of losing her. Unfortunately, it did little other than slow her down a little, which wouldn't be enough to help you escape your quickly approaching fate.

Knowing you wouldn't be able to make it out of the city before she caught up, you opted for the less risky, but much more terrifying choice; hiding and hoping for the best.

As soon as you reached the outskirts of the city where the big Sakura tree was planted, you wrapped your arms around it and scurried up as quickly as you could, ignoring the small splinters you could feel entering your skin. After all, if you managed to escape, it would all be worth the pain.

Finally, you reached what you deemed to be a safe enough height that you wouldn't be easily spotted from the ground. Arms beginning to grow tired, you reached out and swung yourself onto a nearby tree branch, arms latching around it as the rest of your body lay atop it. You didn't dare to sit up yet. This way, in the approaching darkness, you might look like you were one with the branch, or at least, that was what you hoped.

Though, who were you kidding? Someone like Yae Miko, who had literal fox ears and kitsune powers, could probably see in the dark too. You were most likely going to be a lost cause this time, too.

You sighed, craning your neck to see if she'd caught up by now. Even though it felt like hours had passed, realistically, it had probably only been about thirty seconds.

"...Ahem." The sound of someone clearing their throat snapped you out of your thoughts and your gaze immediately darted over to the branch on the other side of the tree, where a familiar man sat with a cat in his lap. Seeing him, your heartrate slowed slightly knowing he wouldn't give you away.

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