Chapter 9: Draco

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I don't think it's canon that Draco return to Hogwarts to complete his seventh year. So for the sake of my story, he did not.

Draco had tried to avoid visiting his childhood school as much as possible.

This had been quite easy at first. With all the students whose final year had been interrupted by the Battle of Hogwarts being allowed to graduate without repeating a year, he'd had no reason to return. But when Scorpius had been born, he'd known it would only be a scant eleven years before the prospect would loom before him.

As luck would have it, even after his son had begun his education at Hogwarts, Draco had managed to side-step any reason to be called to the school. Scorpius was an excellent student, and any correspondence could be settled via owl.

But it seemed his luck had finally run out.

"It's understandable, after such a loss. But I feel it's important to stress that if this continues, Scorpius will fail his third year."

Draco nodded and ran his eyes over the row of poor scores. His gaze lingered on the D beside herbology.

"I'll discuss this with him," he nodded, "But this could easily have been stated in a letter."

The witch sitting across from him gave a quick shake of her head, sending her messy bun of hair wobbling dangerously.

"I needed to meet with you face to face, Mr. Malfoy," she said, "Scorpius is at a crucial stage in his education. This could have dramatic effects on his future. He could lose out on many opportunities..."

She continued speaking, but Draco's attention slid to the chair beside him. Scorpius's head was hung low, his fingers were clenched tightly on his lap. He seemed thinner than he'd been at Christmas.

"... and he's been causing quite a lot of trouble with that Albus Potter."

At the mention of his friend, Scorpius's shoulders tensed.

"I wish you'd talk some sense into him, Mr. Malfoy. They left a live flobberworm on my desk last week! Detentions and point deductions don't seem to be having the desired affect."

Draco nodded.

"I apologize on my son's behalf, Professor Abernathy," he said, "He will take full responsibility of his actions."

Scorpius lifted his head and nodded.

"I'm sorry, Professor Abernathy," he said, "It won't happen again."

"I should hope not!" Professor Abernathy sniffed and then handed an envelope across to Draco, "Here is the formal warning. Simply protocol. If Scorpius's grades do not improve, he will automatically be enrolled in a summer review term. And, if he still lacks discipline, he will be forced to repeat his third-year courses."

Draco nodded and took the envelope.

"Thank you," he said as he pushed up from his chair, "Message received, and understood. Now I think my son and I will be on our way."

After mumbling a request for dismissal and receiving a wave of a hand, Scorpius stood and followed him out of the office of the current Head of Slytherin House. The pair were silent for a few stretches of corridors, then Scorpius let out a sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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