There's only one way to find out so I get into my car and drive straight home.


I arrive home and head straight for Raine's room, usually I should be angry for what I just heard but I'm more scared and panicking.

I didn't want it to be true but let me confirm first, so I opened her door and walked in, she was no where in sight, so I called her name

"Raine" my voice resounded in the whole room

"In here, give me a minute I just wanna take a quick shower" her voice came at me from the bathroom, the past few days we had gotten past our difference.

We no longer wanted to kill each other like before, or I wanting to hurt her like I intended.

I looked around her room and when I was about to sit down, my eyes caught something on her table, it was a journal, not just a journal.
One I bought for her on her birthday when we started dating

It looked old but I could recognize it from anywhere, I picked it up and opened the first page, it was her writing and it looked as if she was writing about her day's event, I looked at the date and it was the day I gave it to her.

I smiled at the memory before going through more pages, I realized there were a lot of memories in here and if I kept reading, I'd just be hurting myself

So I made to close it but something else inside the journal caught my attention, it was a chain, another gift I gave her, it was hanging in between two pages so I opened up the pages to find the necklace there.

It still looked beautiful with it's butterfly pendant sitting at the edge.

I decided to look at the date on the page and I realized, it was the day she left me, the day she told me she never loved me.

I didn't want to relive that memory so I almost closed the page but something kept bugging me to just go through it and I did.

Nothing, and I mean nothing would have prepared me for what I read on that page


Raine's POV

In a way Jace had warmed up to me, not completely tho but I know he was trying, I mean I broke his heart so I would never have blamed him if he hated me forever for it.

It had been days since I got the fever, he has been the one driving me to work and back, at first I thought he only wanted to do something to me but then after the first day I realized he meant no harm.

We now lived peacefully, although there were times he just ignored me but asides that, he had basically been acting like the old Jace, only this Jace no longer loved me.

Today he brought me back from work and told me he was going out, he probably would be back later

So I decided to write a few things in my journal, the journal he got me on my 21st birthday after we started dating, I kept it and also the necklace pendant he had bought me too.

They were my most prized possession because they came from a special someone.

I was done writing so I just left the journal on the bedside table to quickly take a shower before I went downstairs to eat.

I was in the bathroom when I heard my door open, I had just stepped inside.

I thought it was Gladys but when I heard my name, I knew it was Jace so I told him I'd be quick.

Only for me to step out now and see him standing there with the journal in his hands, and when he looked at me, his eyes were red and he was clenching his jaw.

Why didn't I realize he'd see this
I should have just kept it in the drawer before going into the shower, but I didn't think he would come home now.

I know the page he read because I saw the necklace pendant with him, I used it to mark that point in my life when everything changed

The day I was forced, or should I say threatened to break up with him
The day I had to chose between saving the man I love by hurting him or being selfish and watching him die.

Of course I could never live with myself of anything happened to Jace so I chose to save him

The look in his eyes showed that he had already seen what I didn't want him to see, what I never wanted anybody to see.

And he was going to ask for an explanation

Drum roll, okay now the real fun begins 😁😁😁

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