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You weren't a workaholic, you kept telling yourself. But it felt good getting back to work after your honeymoon. The trip was amazing and you never felt as loved in your entire life. If you had a choice, you'd have stayed on that island with Matt. But let's be real, how could you afford another expensive holiday if you neglected your jobs?

And you missed your desk at the office, and even though your colleagues weren't all angels, you were sure some of them missed you. When you came back, they would rush into your arms and say-

"The proposal you sent was crap"

Everyone looked at you as you tried to figure out what was going on. You heard that anyone who worked with Rachel Daniel's had nothing but bad things to say. She was terrible to people, she wasn't afraid of anyone and she wouldn't take crap from anyone in the company. This was the first time you met her and now you understood why people stayed away.

"It was what the client-"

"Enough with the excuses!" Rachel scoffed. "You people have one job, to negotiate with the clients to make it easier for us, the ones who actually have to do the job and handle journalists"

You almost apologised for something that wasn't your fault, hoping to put an end to the tension. Chloe showed up just in time to back you up. She gave Rachel a dirty look, pulling you to the side.

"Go harass someone else, Rachel"

"Molly is on maternity leave" Rachel said, laughing. "Who else would I blame? You?"

Molly was in charge of Client Enquiries, your department. Unlike Rachel, she was the nicest and would never talk down on staff members. While watching Chloe and Rachel argue, you wished Molly would appear and make everything better.

"Mr Cole will take over Molly's responsibilities until she gets back" Chloe said, putting her hands on her hips. "So maybe you should tell him how crap you think the proposal is? He'll be in his office tomorrow"

You almost forgot. There was someone in the company that Rachel was afraid of.

"Feels good to be teachers pet, huh?" Rachel whispered to you before turning back to Chloe. "If I don't get a better proposal tomorrow, set me an appointment with Mr Cole. He needs to fire his favourite employee"

As Rachel stormed away, Chloe turned to you, looking extremely pissed off. It couldn't be more obvious that she loathed that woman as much as anyone here; however, your tolerance of such rude behaviors was the main reason she was fuming with rage.

"You shouldn't have met her talk to you like that"

"She was trying to do her job" you mumbled, shrugging. "I mean..it's probably difficult to do with the media"

"It's the client who pays you money to deal with the media. Trust me, if the client wants the moon, you give them the moon!" Chloe slammed her hand down on the table, knocking your coffee cup. "Rachel puts herself first. But don't worry, Jason will defend you"

That was what made you worry. Jason would defend you, or at least try to fix your mistake. After all, you weren't just an employee, you were his friend. The best solution was to give Rachel what she wanted. Not because you were afraid of her, but because you didn't want Jason's reputation ruined for helping you again.


"Screw. Me!"

"I'm washing dishes!"

"Funny" you shot your husband a glare as he turned to look at your reaction. He expected you to laugh, like you always did. But now, you just sighed and carried on with your work on your laptop. You hadn't stopped working since you came home, you only stopped to eat dinner.

Roomie  (Matt Sturniolo) Where stories live. Discover now