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A few years later

School ended in a while, we were all looking forward to it and going to school was, to be honest, quite relaxing.

Bing bing bing

"Fuck, I hate the alarm clock..." I turned off the annoying sound that came out of my cell phone every morning and slowly tried to force myself to get out of bed.
"Come on O'Brien, only a few more weeks until the holidays, mind you." I was talking to myself. When I finally managed to go to the bathroom, I washed my face and "painted" myself as usual. I was a bit stressed, I still haven't received any answers from the schools I applied to. But I was thinking positively, after all, it's the best after all, isn't it?
It used to be quite warm outside, so I chose black sweatpants and a top with short sleeves.

"Hey mom, why are you up so early? Are you in the office today?" Mom had a home office twice a week, so I was always surprised in the morning when she was up at half past seven. "Um, yes, I'm in the office today, but I don't feel like it at all. What about you? What awaits you at school?"
"You know I don't even know? But I think today could be relaxing."
"I'm glad, haven't you heard from the high schools yet?"
"No, not yet, but we mean positively don't forget."
I dedicated our wide smile to improve the mood and kick into the day. She came to me and hugged me. "Should I take you to school?"
"No thanks, I'm going to get Fray today."
"Okay honey..." She kissed my forehead. "... Enjoy your day."

I walked down the hall next to two of my friends, Fray and Grayson. Both have already been accepted to secondary schools. I was very happy for them. Fraya got into her dream high school for veterinary and biology, and Grayson was headed in the direction of an artist. I was still waiting, I applied to a private gymnasium, yes, I know I'm taking a lot of risks. I applied to only one high school and I don't even know if they accepted me yet. It was only a week before the end of ninth grade. The end of elementary school, the end of this class, the end of meeting these familiar faces every day, the end of one chapter. A new part of our lives was beginning, HIGH SCHOOL.
I was holding a phone in my hand that beeped for a notification. At first I thought it was mom or someone from the family, but no. Gray and Fraya stopped and looked at me because I wasn't moving. "Um...Em...Emily, are you alive?" Grayson waved his hand in front of my face. "Hey Emily what's up?" Fraya asked looking a little worried. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" I shouted to the whole corridor, everyone turned and looked at me, but I didn't care. "Fuck, fuck, yesssss, they accepted me, they took me to that school!!!!!" Both my friends did not hesitate and ran towards me with a hug. Fraya gave me a big hug and started squealing along with me and then there was Grayson. He came to me and turned me around in a hug in the air and then when he put me on the ground he congratulated me. "Congratulations Mrs. O'Brien, you are officially accepted. I told you that if anyone could do it, it was you." Tears welled up in my eyes and I wasn't the only one. We were all accepted to high schools, it was official, our last a week.

"They took me to high school, they took me to high school, they took me to high school." I sang to myself the whole way home and couldn't wait to tell my mom and the whole family. "They took me to high school, they took me to..." I was just unlocking the door and went in screaming. "Momiiiiii, guess what." Mom emerged from her study with a cigarette in her hand and winked at me curiously. "Grayson is thinking about his haircut again?" She said with desperation in her voice. Grayson was a champion in this. I threw my bag off my shoulder and started beeping again. "No, I hope so."
"So why are you squeaking?"
"They took me mom, they accepted me to that gymnasium!!!" Mom's eyes lit up and she immediately came to hug me. "My little girl, my little girl is already going to high school, but it's flying by. I'm proud of you, I knew you could do it." She took my face in her hands and kissed my forehead and gently pulled me into a hug.
"We have to call it Susie and Ian." (My grandparents, I call them after their birth name)

"Susie Ian, I was taken to high school, I'm practically a high school girl, can you believe it?"
"Of course we believe that, our clever little girl. We love you and are very proud of you, and that's why we have a present for you." I was a little surprised, I did not know that they would give me a present. "We gave it to your mom to give it to you when they take you in." I peeked at my mom and she just grinned at me and gave me another kiss on the forehead. "God thank you both you didn't have to give me anything." "We'll do everything for our Emily. We're going to call the others too that you've been accepted, see you soon, we love you." We said our goodbyes and I gave my mom puppy dog eyes right after the call ended.
Mom just looked at me mockingly and pointed to the garage with her head. "What am I supposed to do with you when they bought it for you." Mom got up from her chair and I followed her like a dog. They opened the garage door and there was a motorcycle outside, a beautiful big black motorcycle. My sled just fell, I was speechless. "So, since you already did your motorcycle driving license over the summer, you should also have a motorcycle, right?"

"Wow, well, you guys are crazy, that must have cost a fortune."
"Blame it on your grandparents." Mom shrugged and gave me the keys to the motorcycle. "I'm at a loss for words mom, it's seriously amazing."

The Young Futureحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن