Chapter 4: The Fiery Battle

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Saying that, Hiro utilized one of his illusion techniques. Taking advantage of the steam caused by the flames on Ares's body, which heated the entire castle, he created illusions of himself armed with his sword, distributing similar daggers to the ones he kept in his cloak to each of his clones. Upon realizing this, Ares exclaimed, "What the hell are you doing, you piece of shit? I've never seen anyone create so many clones."

Hiro, filled with confidence, said, "You pile of shit, when you refer to me, address me as Mr. Illusory Swordsman!"

At the crucial moment of the battle against Ares, Hiro reveals his illusion abilities and challenges the enemy with his mirages. But will Hiro be able to defeat the powerful Ares using only his illusory techniques? Or does the confrontation hold more surprises and twists?

Hiro, extending his arm towards Ares, commands his steam clones to attack him. The clones rush towards Ares at high speed, with Hiro being the furthest away. Ares starts laughing and says, "WHAT GOOD DOES IT DO YOU TO HAVE SO MANY CLONES IF YOU DON'T HIDE AMONG THEM, YOU SHITTY SWORDSMAN."

Hiro gives a slight smile and replies, "Just brace yourself and try to survive." Ares starts running and slices through all the mirages wielding fake steam swords, arrogantly saying, "IT'S ALL JUST TALK."

Hiro laughs again and begins counting, "1... 2... 3. Now!" Out of nowhere, the mirages that hadn't been completely dissipated start regenerating next to Ares, who is surprised by the situation but doesn't pay much attention since he knows the clones can't harm him being made of steam. He mocks, "HAVING NUMBERS DOESN'T DO YOU ANY GOOD IF THEY'RE USELESS, YOU FOOL!"

Ares ignores the clones when suddenly, one of the regenerated clones near him stabs him with something sharp, followed by others and more, totaling around 20 stabs. Ares falls to his knees as his blood spills onto the ground. With a weaker and almost lifeless voice, he says, "What... you've done... is... impossible... cough cough" (coughing blood).

Hiro simply laughs and says, "I told you I didn't need to use half of my power against someone like you." He continues, "Now, tell me, do you know someone named Takeshi? What have you done to him, and what do you want?"

Ares starts screaming with all his last strength, his hair beginning to blaze like never before. At that moment, a raven that had been present in the battle flies towards Ares. Hikari notices the raven's presence and, in desperation, quickly says to Hiro, "HIRO, MOVE AWAY! WHATEVER THAT IS, IT'S BEYOND OUR REACH!" Hearing this and sensing Hikari's desperation, Hiro moves away.

As the raven approaches Ares, it lands on his chest and says, "ENOUGH! YOU USELESS FOOL, LOSING IN SUCH A RIDICULOUS MANNER. AT LEAST YOU SERVED AS A DISTRACTION FOR A MOMENT. NOW, JOIN THE REALM OF THE DEAD." The raven continues at high speed, piercing through Ares's chest and leaving a hole of about 20 cm. Ares, now with a hole in his chest and on his knees, falls to the ground, dead. "Master..." he whispers before disappearing.

Hiro watches as Ares's body dissipates and turns to search for Hikari and King, who were fighting in the castle. He realizes they are exhausted and injured, so he quickly runs towards them.

"Are you both alright? Hikari, your arm..." Hiro says with concern.

"We're fine, don't worry. It's just a cut," Hikari responds, trying to reassure him.

King joins the conversation, displaying his alpha animal side, "Do you really think mere lackeys could hurt me? I could have defeated Ares, ahaha!"

Hiro and Hikari look at King and start laughing, releasing all the worries, fears, and frustrations they had accumulated. Hikari laughs while saying, "Only you, King, could make someone laugh after everything we've been through, ahahaha!"

Hiro continues to laugh and says, "Well done, ahahaa! When all of this is over, if you want, I'll arrange a place for you as a clown, where I used to perform, ahahah!"

King, frustrated, says, "I don't see what's so funny..."

They keep laughing, disregarding King's frustration. Hiro extends his hand to help Hikari up and then picks her up on his back, while King jumps onto Hiro's head and pulls his hair, saying, "If you're carrying her on your back, it's only fair that I ride up here." He pulls Hiro's hair again with one hand and points forward with the other. "HI-OH, LET'S RIDE!"

Hiro is frustrated but doesn't move too much to avoid worsening Hikari's injury. They head towards an inn where they can find help. As they leave the castle, they are surprised by a crowd of citizens awaiting them.

"THE HEROES HAVE ARRIVED!" the people cheer.

"A CHEER FOR THE HEROES!" they continue.

Hiro is shocked and says quietly to King and Hikari, "Heroes, us? Ahaha."

Hikari is speechless, while King says, "Finally, I'll truly be a King."

Hiro replies, "Of course, of course, the king of acorns, ahaha."

The three continue laughing, as they are extremely happy and relieved to argue. As they descend the castle stairs, the people welcome them with open arms, treating their wounds immediately while singing, dancing, and celebrating.

At the height of the celebration and the heroes being treated by the citizens, a question arises in their minds: What will happen next on this journey filled with challenges and mysteries?

The Journey of the Illusory SwordsmanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant