Chapter Forty-Nine

Start from the beginning

She started fixing his sheets, rubbing out the wrinkles, while she pulled the comforter up over them and placed the pillow back in its place.

He let out an amused laughed, "You don't need to make my bed princessa," he called when he noticed what she was doing.

She looked up at him, "Hmmm?" she responded, slowly blinking the sleep from her eyes.

He leaned forward, "I said you don't need to make my bed." he laughed, pulling another pillow from her hand, "Go get changed, I'm going to leave my room like it is to mess with Wanda." he grinned.

She shook her head, "Wanda's going to kill you one day." she replied as she straightened their position.

He shrugged, "Maybe, but it's my job as her twin to drive her crazy." he replied, his slight accent peaking its way through what he was saying.

"How come you don't really have an accent and Wanda does?" the brunette asked.

He shrugged, "I watch more T.V. and hang out with people more than my sister does; the accent wears off. But I also hide it more than she does; she doesn't care if people hear it. I don't either, but she's easier to understand with her accent than I am, my words run together."

The younger girl nodded, "Pete says you only use your accent when you're picking up girls," she replied, grinning cheekily at him.

He smirked, "Does he now?" he asked.

She nodded, "Yup."

He laughed, a mischievous grin on his face, "Well then, let's see what small fry thinks of what I have planned for him when he gets back." he replied, grinning mischievously as his mischief twinkled in his blue eyes, "I'll have to ask Loki how to make it better."

She laughed lightly, "Don't get Wanda," she warned.

He shrugged, "There might be casualties princessa."

The younger girl nodded, " P..."

He laughed, "You're probably right, now shoo." he replied, motioning his hands in an effort to get her to leave, "Go get dressed for the day, we're not getting any younger princessa." he teased.

The brunette giggled and hugged him, "Thank you again."

He patted the top of her head, "No problem princessa, now go." he replied, in a sing-songy tone.

Penny left Pietro's room and continued walking down the hallway back to her own room, she was excited to see her brother back in the compound again. She hoped that his mission went well, she didn't want him or Wanda or Nat to be hurt. She opened her door and slipped into the room, using her powers to grab a hair tie off of her dresser and pulled her hair back. She pulled off the NASA shirt she'd stolen from her brother and folded it up, placing it neatly on her bed. She followed suit with her shorts and started digging around for something to wear. She finally pulled out a brown dress and tugged it down over her head. She pulled the hair tie out of her hair and let it free fall over her shoulders, before grabbing a section of it and clipping it back with a hairpin. She slipped on her flats and walked out of her room, where she was met by Morgan outside of her room.

"Hi Bri." she greeted.

The brunette grinned at her little sister, "Hi Morgie, good morning."

The younger girl hugged her waist, "Mornin'."

"What'd mom and the others make for breakfast?" she asked as she followed the eight year old down the stairs.

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