Balut :/

81 3 12

Epic 9: *relaxing on hammocks* *hears a notification*
Baymax: *gets my phone*
Bo: *reads* " I dare all of you guys to eat balut or as i like to call it unborn baby duck in its egg bo you can just watch you don't have to do it" ~ @billychyperfangirl
Elsa: Unborn baby duck!?
Anna: Maybe its poisonous....
Punz: We're gonna eat a dead baby duck?!?
Mer: That is gross...
Laney: You eat that thing?
Bo: Well yeah, its part of our culture...
Hiro: You serious?
Bo: *nods* Besides its very delectable :D
Jack: What if I ate a living baby duck?!?!
Bo: Ugh...its called balut because its an UNBORN BABY DUCK!! That means its not alive...
Hic: Is that a ritual or something?
Bo: What no....If your a Filipino and you haven't tasted balut or penoy then you don't know how its like to be a Filipino :D
Laney: So like everyone in the Philippines tasted balut?
Bo: Yep :D
Hic: Where can we get that balut thingie??
Bo: Oh, I'll be right back!! *goes to the portal back to the Philippines*

After 12 minutes...
Back at the mansion...

Bo: I'm back! Here ya go!!
Others: *stares at the balut*
Bo: I'll just get something.... Brb, when I come back make sure that you already ate the balut, okay?
Jack: Sure...

Anna: Should we throw it?
Elsa: What? Of course not!
Mer: Then we have to eat that thing?
Hic: Yeah...
Jack: Is the chick moving??
Olaf: *ate the balut, with the shell* Hmmm its YUMMY!!!
Other's: *tastes it* WOOOWW!!! *v* *eats like no end*

After a few minutes....
Bo: Hey guys have you- *sees the living room turned into a battlefield* Woah, what happened here??
Anna: The balut is MINE!!!!
Punz: No MINE!!!!
Bo: All of this just for a piece f balut??!!
Others: *shoots me a glare* >:(
Bo: Uh ohh.....*starts to run* Aaahhhh!!! Helppp meehh!!!! XD
Others: *chasing her around the room*
Bo: Ahhhhhh oh yeah....Bye!!!!
Others: *pause a sec* Bye!!! :D *continues to chase me*
Now how'd you think??
Please rate it:
Candy - good
Cadbury - great
Cheap - horrible

Ask and Dare Us!! (Awesome 10 and My Little Pony)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon