Chapter 6

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He hated prisons. Well, he didn't really care for the shackles, the guards, the prison itself. It was the fact that, even with military prisons or black sites like the one he was currently in, prisoners weren't provided with military grade blockers or suppressants. Just basic crap. And in a black site designed for alpha and beta prisoners? Even more basic when it came to omega suppressants, if this place even had any omegas to have the resources on hand.

Guess putting so much effort into hiding his secondary gender was about to backfire in a week or so, however long it took for his system to realise it was no longer receiving its daily dose of the military grade stuff. Although it could work in his favor, considering everyone was presuming him to be an alpha, beta at the very least.

As the doors open, he doesn't move, wanting to take the time to survey what exactly he was walking into. Of course, Hobbs wasn't having any patience, a shove to his shoulder having him move forwards, not even stumbling from the strike. Though the mild pain from the bruises and injuries he'd suffered from the fall, albeit mostly bruises, almost tempts him into using the chains against Hobbs. But that would be a waste of time, only getting him knocked out.

He's eyeing the weapons mounted on both sides of the wall, watching as they start to move and redirect to focus on him, trailing his movements. Even though it might earn him another strike from Hobbs, or one of the guards, he's still turning his head slightly to enquire over his shoulder. '' You sure you brought enough backup with you, Hobbs? ''

The stares of the guards had gotten annoying long before they'd reached this room, only just holding himself in check to not simply lash out at them. At least they were being smart enough not to take their attention off of him, but really? Did they have to always be staring him down?

'' Oh, they ain't mine. '' A brief pause follows, the rustling of the chains the only sound for a few seconds before Hobbs continues, his breath brushing against his shoulder making it evident the man had leaned din to make his point. '' They're here to protect you from me killing your ass. ''

Coming to a halt before the fancy door to his cell, Shaw is examining the material and structure, taking note of the process it takes to open. Definitely something that would need something from the outside of the cell to mess with its process. Not giving Hobbs the satisfaction of a chance to push him again, he's stepping into the bland cell, head straight but surveying the small room with sweeps of his eyes.

Couldn't even give him some privacy around the bloody loo. Anyone deciding to visit his cell had plain view of him anywhere in this cell. Even the spaces beside the door were too small lto truly tuck out of view of, and were the only locations in the whole cell were he could, at least, be partially out of view.

He's not even pausing until he reaches the very end, where the cold, metal space that was meant to be a bed was. Turning about, he moves to sit, not hiding his next evaluating sweep of the room. Seeming completely at ease in this shit excuse of a room. A sigh escaping him at the freezing metal once he sits down, gaze instantly focusing on Hobbs as he speaks. '' You do know none of this will keep me, right? ''

At least Hobbs isn't boasting that much with the low chuckle that he lets out upon approaching the doorway to the cell, hands still remaining at his belt as he speaks. '' Well, once you dig through thirty-eight feet of concrete and steel, my fist and a body bag will be waiting for you on the other side. ''

Shaw keeps his expression blank as he holds the alpha's gaze, other than a slight tilt of his chin upwards, a clear challenge in the movement. He watches as the smirk disappears from the alpha's expression before the man is speaking once again. '' So I suggest you get to digging, boy. ''

The return challenge almost draws a smirk to Shaw's face, gaze still on Hobbs even as the door slides shut, the smirk appearing on Hobbs' face milliseconds before the metal of the door cuts him from view briefly. The smirk is still there as Shaw watches him, the other remaining standing there for a few more seconds before the smirk drops. Finally turning away with the guards to head out of the hallway and away from the cell.

A pity for Hobbs that his promise wouldn't be held. Once Shaw was getting out of here, if anyone was ending up in a body bag, it would be the alpha if he was foolish enough to get in his way.

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