Chapter 3

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The wonders that could be achieved from people owing him favors. Gather enough and there will always be at least one person in or near any area that the favor could be called upon. He'd had one such person in Los Angeles who had a few connections, enough to get quite a decent vehicle for what he had planned. Getting a tip about what the Toretto crew was planning, he knew it would take him a bit to reach all the action. Better that way, strike when they were too focused on the task at hand.

He's watching as he weaves through the trees, the chaos unfolding as the girl is flung onto Toretto's car. Whether O'Connor was planning to get a lift from Toretto as well, he isn't waiting around to allow him the chance. It's clear his presence has gone unnoticed, the group too focused on the girl and no doubt trying to get out of there before the backup cars recovered and caught up.

Slamming against Toretto's car, the girl just managed to have gotten a grip of Toretto's hand to be saved from falling off onto the road. Staying alongside the other, he's watching the alpha, waiting until finally Toretto is turning his head to look at him. Allowing a small smile to appear as their gazes meet, he's soon swerving the vehicle into Toretto's car again. The girl was an inconvenience, not the target of his attack. Just had to have the misfortune of the crew's plan ending up with her being rescued by Toretto's car.

Their plan had clearly been working, but now it wasn't going in Toretto's favor. The alpha couldn't return the swipes, could really only try to avoid it and outspeed him. With the girl still stuck on the hood and veering close to the edges of the car with each strike, he couldn't retaliate if he wanted to keep her safe.

The other vehicles in the background aren't ignored, occasional glances in the mirrors to monitor their locations, make sure they weren't close enough to pose any danger. He can see O'Connor waiting at the edge of the truck, knees bent ready to jump. No doubt trying to get Toretto to get close enough for him to join the fight, or at least to help Ramsey. Next glance to check the former cop's position had soon found him disappearing into the truck in a fight with one of the vehicle's occupants. One less interruption.

He can see Toretto's turned his focus back on securing Ramsey's safety, as expected. Still trying to keep the car on the road as Shaw continues his strikes, sending him closer and closer to the wall on Toretto's other side. One of the other cars are getting too close for Shaw's liking, but if it comes to it, he'll deal with them too.

A glare is sent from Toretto, noticing the shift of the alpha's hand and the loud rev of his car before it's jolting, sending Ramsey closer to the opening in the roof until she's being tugged inside the vehicle. No more a distraction from Toretto or a restriction to his driving. Bugger.

The sudden swipe of Toretto's car directs their paths down the trail, noting that Toretto's crew doesn't follow. Going after O'Connor, no doubt. Toretto clearly wasn't a man to draw his team into his fights, or was too confident in his ability to win this one. Though he does note the two cars from the truck's convoy that had caught up also splitting off. Going after Ramsey no doubt. They would be dealt with along the way.

He watches in amusement at the sedan's attempt to direct Toretto's car into trees, towards rocks that would cut Toretto's drive short. A poor choice, considering the lack of muscle the car sported in comparison to the enhancements made for the alpha's current vehicle. The point proven as he watches the sedan go flying into a fallen tree. One nuisance gone.

Whilst the remaining vehicle could work in his favor against Toretto, the likelihood of it getting in his way or redirecting their focus on him is not worth the chance. Plus, he knows they aren't going to let Toretto walk from this. Ain't letting anyone else kill Toretto unless it's him. A well aimed swipe against the other vehicle, clearly not having contemplated turning their attention to dealing with him just yet and even driving beside him, quickly has the vehicle swerving away automatically.

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