Chapter 5

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He knows Toretto is planning an ambush, knew the alpha had something planned. But he was done playing games, done having anything interrupt him and delay his revenge. This would end tonight.

Driving around the city, he'd kept an eye out as he listened to Jakande and his team's conversation over the comms. Waiting for any mention of Toretto or any of his crew being spotted, he's still looking about in case he spots them first. With the Gods Eye on his side, it wouldn't be long until someone was found.

As soon as he hears the positive ID on Toretto, he's looking about, identifying the street he's currently on whilst he waits for the location to be announced. Remaining silent as he finally pulls the earphone from his ear, chucking it somewhere in the front passenger side as soon as the street name is spoken. Ignoring the beeping of horns as he speeds up, cutting off someone as he turns sharply to redirect his route to the needed location.

Toretto would no doubt be going slow, waiting for him to show. O'Connor hadn't been announced, or anyone else. Just Toretto. The man was on his own. No doubt Ramsey was in the care of his crew then, leaving the alpha to just focus on his fight with him, rather than dealing with Jakande. Works fine with him.

He keeps a check on the side streets, in case Toretto's tucked himself into any alleyways along the way to try and pursue after him. Though his gaze is soon drawn forward to the revving of a car across the street from him. Ignoring the passing cars between them, he's coming to a halt as he watches Toretto. Time to see what the man's plan was.

Reminiscent of that chase back at the funeral. A setup he had placed for Toretto; now the man was doing the same to him. Clearly, he had plans. But Shaw would let him play it out, let him enjoy one last ride before he finally finished this fight. Though the man doesn't let the chase last long, already turning into the parking complex after only a block or two. Surveying the building as he approaches, he's swiftly swerving around to follow after Toretto, making sure not to lose sight of the Dodge Charger. Even as the alpha speeds up, he keeps close, not giving the man much of a lead. Best the man has whatever plan he made already in place, Shaw isn't letting him have much time to set it up.

As they reach the top of the building, he's swerving around the line of parked cars before coming to a halt. Seriously? The man really couldn't have tried to mix it up. Was he really up for another game of chicken? His gaze sweeps the area briefly, examining the parked cars, the surface of the ground between them. No signs of mines or of an ambush. What was Toretto's plan?

He waits, not taking the bait as Toretto continues to rev his engines. If he was intending on making Shaw start the charge, he wasn't falling for it. Finally, his patience pays off, one final rev of Toretto's engine before he's finally launching forwards. Quickly shifting the car into gear, Shaw is finally driving forward, shifting gears to increase speed. A pity Toretto was so intent on ruining another nice car.

The sudden raise of Toretto's car, annoyingly, catches him by surprise, though he's quick to react, leaning towards the window to ensure he isn't struck when the car comes down atop his. Legs tucking back as far as he can to ensure, if his car crumples, he's not pinned. The shots fired are quicker than he expects, quickly pulling away from the steering wheel seconds before part of it is blown off. Before Toretto can reload, he's grabbing the pistol resting atop the bag, twisting to return fire, interrupting Toretto if he was already starting to reload.

The rev of the engine has him briefly contemplating if Toretto was changing plans to simply try and drive over his vehicle and pin him down, though he's soon noticing the car shifting backwards, back tires finding purchase finally to be able to pull away from his car. Contemplating the damaged door to his left, he's not going to waste his time attempting to climb over to the passenger side door, quick to pull himself through the front of his car, onto the hood.

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