Toretto wants to play? Fine, he'll play.

As he rises to his feet, he's staring Toretto down, jaw muscles twitching before he drops the pistol on the hood, hearing it thud against the metal. Dropping his gaze to survey the crumpled hood of the car below him, he's noting the metal poking out, taking grip of the first one closest to him before he's pulling it free. A brief examination before he's glancing back to Toretto, the man too focused on reloading his shotgun.

Dropping to the ground as Toretto opens his door and gets out, he's squaring his shoulders, making it look every bit an alpha challenge. Whether Toretto really was planning to fire the shotgun instead of fighting him, the challenging pose would more than likely have him react in kind. The man was too instinctual. Even if he had planned to go the route of simply shooting him and getting it down with, Shaw doubted he'd let the challenge go unanswered.

Even as the man echoes his words from nearly a week ago, he's allowing a slight smirk to appear, holding the man's gaze silently until, finally, Toretto's raising the shotgun and firing it into the air. Rendering it useless as he doesn't reload it, simply chucking it into his car before he's pulling two two tools out. Earning a slight nod from Shaw, amused before he's briefly examining the weapons Toretto's chosen.

Turning his gaze to his own car once again, he's locating a second piece, striking it against the first to test the strength of the two parts whilst also removing the debris attached to them. Once more waiting for Toretto to initiate the fight, he's quickly evaluating his movements as they charge at each other. Blocking the alpha's strikes, he's taking note of his fighting style, quickly turning under Toretto's guard. But the man is already quickly pushing him back half a step before he can take advantage.

Toretto relies on strength, but, unlike Hobbs, he doesn't depend solely on it in a fight. He also has learnt to rely on speed as well as strength. Yet, he still seems surprised by Shaw's speed, easily dodging a blow before the alpha finds himself having to backtrack quickly to avoid a slash to his abdomen. Pressing the advantage, he's quickly finding Toretto sliding past his attack to deliver a headbutt while Shaw is turned away.

Though it stuns him briefly, he's continuing the motion to turn his back on Toretto, drawing the man into thinking it's an easy strike before he's quickly twisting an arm behind, blocking the blow Toretto had aimed at his back. Forcing the man to avoid another swipe at his midsection, he's quickly bringing his arm back to drive the metal against the back of Dom's knee, the opening having been spotted on his last swipe, before Toretto had headbutted him.

Forcing the alpha to roll away, unable to strike back at him, he's quick to pursue, not letting him gain any distance. Once the man's on his feet, he's launching another series of attacks before he's had the chance to fully regain his balance. Easily setting Toretto up to allow him a strike to his upper back, just below his neck, sending the man falling to the ground once more. Again, Toretto moves quicker than he expected, rolling out of the way of his strike as the metal bounces off his car once again.

As the alpha gets to his feet, the exchange continues, both trading blows once again as Shaw keeps pressing for the next opening, spotting it nearly a minute later. Disarming Toretto of one of the tools, though he soon finds the favor being returned before a kick to his abdomen sends him falling backwards, head striking concrete when he falls against one of the light posts. Even disoriented, he manages to turn his head away in time to avoid being hit as Toretto's swipe strikes the concrete beside him instead.

Before he can gain the upper hand, having been twisting Toretto's remaining weapon to force him to release it, the strike to his head has him stumbling, quickly trying to put distance between them to give him a chance to recover. Turning around, he doesn't have the time to block as he sees Toretto swinging for another punch upon losing his grip on the wrench.

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