Keeping ahead far enough to keep Toretto from gaining any ground, but not going too fast as to lose him. This wasn't a surveillance mission. This was getting Toretto out of the way. He'd indulge in a little chase, let Toretto enjoy one last ride before he'd deal with him.

He had to give it to Toretto, man knew how to drive. Even weaving through the traffic, the other had kept up with him, even managed to get closer to Shaw. He keeps his gaze mostly on the road, going over the roads he'd memorised, picking which of the places would be the best spot to end this fight. Occasionally, his gaze darts to the rear view mirror, watching Toretto glaring at his car.

Nothing like a car chase to get the adrenaline running, something Shaw admittedly was enjoying. But this wasn't about having fun, this was about pissing the alpha off. Letting him think he was catching up to him, only to find Shaw far ahead of him once again. Seeing the lights ahead changing to yellow and then to red, he lets Toretto draw closer again, before quickly swerving around the last cars in front of him to get ahead.

The cars easily block Toretto off, leaving him the option to wait or to cut around and go through crossing traffic. Either way allows Shaw plenty of time to get ahead and continue leading him to his chosen location. He catches up quickly, though not quick enough to interrupt Shaw from setting up for the final steps of this encounter.

Waiting patiently, he watches the other car slow down as Toretto notices him, the other's car eventually coming to a halt as Shaw looks at him, revving the engine. Not that he doubted Toretto would turn away from the challenge, confirming his belief when he hears the revving emitted from the alpha's car. Nice looking car. A pity it was about to be ruined.

His next step is risky. No doubt he's going to end up with some whiplash from this. But it'll pay off. He doubts Toretto has any clue about the reinforcements to the car, and even in the rare chance that he chickens out, Shaw still will have any easy enough time striking his car anyways. Even as the tunnel echoes with the constant revs being emitted from both cars, Shaw waits, lets Toretto initiate the charge.

Finally allowing his car to jump forwards as Toretto takes his foot of the brakes, Shaw's quick to shift gears, speeding up just as the other does. As expected, Toretto wasn't chickening out, meeting Shaw's gaze seconds before the cars collide, drawing a grunt from him as he jolts forward.

Quickly recovering, he's cracking his neck to realise some of the tension caused from the crash, allowing himself a few seconds to take a deep breath and focus on the task. No movement from Toretto's car, but he doubts the crash knocked the man out. He's quick to get out of the car before Toretto has the chance to first, readjusting his coat as the door of the other car is shoved open, grunts echoing from within.

Unlike Hobbs, who at least uses some sort of suppressants to muffle his scent, Toretto exudes his alpha status. Unblocked by any scent suppressant or blocker, it's easy to detect as soon as he ignores the fumes from the crashed cars. A man too confident in his status to give a damn about muffling it.

The sledgehammer he sees the other carrying as he stumbles to his feet almost draws a raise of a brow, though Shaw manages to keep his expression neutral. Shoulders squared, posturing just like an alpha. Make it look like a challenge to draw an instinctual reaction from Toretto. The man was clearly already running off rage, blind him even further by drawing on those alpha tendencies of challenging.

'' Never should have messed with a man's family. '' He utters as soon as Toretto finally turns and meets his gaze, noting the slight flare of his nostrils as the alpha takes in the challenging stance. Ignoring his response, he notices Toretto's gaze deflect to the car he'd driven, the crumpled metal easily revealing the reinforced hood. Clearly, he didn't run on instincts for his fight, given the lack of attack in reaction to his challenge. As he rattles on, Shaw manages not to roll his eyes, the glare obvious as his brows furrow slightly. '' Your mistake. I'm not here to play games. See you and me? We're from different worlds. '' He holds the alpha's gaze, not straightening his posture from the challenge he still presents, hands clenched by his sides. '' Trust me, I've seen a lot meaner streets than the ones you're used to. ''

Hand slipping into his coat, clearly going unnoticed by the alpha, too distracted by their conversation to be paying attention. His loss. At the threat, as his posture shifts to hint the step forwards, he's raising the gun, the noise announcing its presence even before he lifts it. Watching the change in his expression is amusing, the guy really thought this was going to be a brawl.

'' You thought this was gonna be a street fight? '' He's barely keeping the smirk from his expression, finger tightening about the trigger. Before anything can happen though, the shattering of the car door's glass draws his gaze upwards, though keeping Toretto in his sights still in case the man took advantage of the interruption. Returning fire, he's quick to duck behind the parked cars for shelter, keeping his head ducked to avoid any shots above the cars. He'd known from a quick glance this wasn't a fight he wanted to keep going. Toretto was damn lucky for the timing of his backup.

Seeing the other entrance to the tunnel being blocked off by another car, he briefly contemplates taking the driver and occupants down. But they weren't who he was after, and it would just be a waste of time dealing with them. Especially when there was a set of stairs leading to another escape right beside him.

Annoying. But the events wouldn't set him back too far.

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