Jace's POV


"Hey baby" my face broke Into a smile the moment I laid my eyes on her in the living room of the small apartment I shared with Ryan

She barely forced out a smile and when I tried to hug her, she didn't return it back.

"You good"? I asked looking at her face and she just nodded

"Can I talk to you outside for a while" she whispered out and I nodded, and she led us both outside.

We got outside and she turned to face me, folding her hands in front of her, she didn't look okay and it was beginning to bother me, but what caught my attention was the fact that she wasn't wearing my ring, the same one I gave her when I asked her to marry me.

"What's the matter Raine, you don't look okay"? I asked her and she breath out.

"I'm breaking up with you" she said with a straight face and I just stood there looking at her, she must be joking so I burst out into a fit of laughter but she still didn't change her whole demeanor.

"Babe, are you kidding me right now? Please stop playing" I said pulling her close to me by her waist but she just put her hands up on my chest and pushed me back a bit.

"I'm in love with someone else Jace, I'm not joking" she said and I looked at her this time, like really looked at her and she looked serious.

"Is this a prank? Are you trying to play a prank on me, because if you are then you got me good, you can stop now" I said to her looking around for any form of cameras but finding nothing.

She just sighed and brought out something from her bag, she pulled my hands and put it in my palms, it was cold and hard, I looked at it to find the ring I had given her.

"Raine what's the meaning of this? Are you being serious right now"? I asked raising my voice a bit.

"Yes Jace, we can't be together" she said but her voice was trembling

"Baby did I do something, tell me and I'll apologize, is it something I said"? I asked taking her hands in mine, I couldn't lose her, not now.

She just shook her head at me "Jace, I want someone that can look after me, and not someone who's struggling to look after himself" she said and my eyebrows scrunched up

"Baby I'm trying, I'd do anything for you, I'll get a new job if that's what you want, I'd work ten times harder, just don't leave me Raine, please" I took a step closer to her but she took one back.

"Jace I can't do it, please understand me" she said shaking her head.

I felt the tears blur my vision and I felt it drop from my eyes.

"Understand you? Raine I love you and you're leaving me and you expect me to understand"? I asked my voice shaking

"Please don't make this any harder than it is for me" she said looking at anywhere but me, I turned her face to me.

"Raine look at me, what do you want me to do? Tell me and I'd do it, just tell me this is a fucking joke" I beg her choking on my sobs and she is trying to fight the tears but they just come out.

"What went wrong baby? Just tell me please" I beg her but she just keeps shaking her head at me

"I never loved you Jace, I've found someone else and I'm getting married to him" she yells at me

"Don't say that baby, I love you and my love is enough for both of us, please can't you see you're hurting me" I tell her breaking down but she doesn't even listen

"Take care of yourself Jace" those were her final words before she walked away from me that night on my front door.

*End of flashback*

That night a lot of things broke in me, but more importantly I lost a part of myself to Raine.

I was sitting in my office, it had only been four days we got married but I was already at work and so was she.

That night Raine left me, it changed a whole lot of me but I still didn't stop loving her.

Not until I saw her at the alter a week later with another man, and she was happy.

She broke my heart and she was happy with another.

My office door opened and Ryan walked in again, he walked towards my desk and rested his hands on it.

"You know when I heard you had resumed back to work I didn't believe it" he said with an amused look and I just shrugged

"Why"? I asked and he just laughed lightly

"You just got married dude, won't you at least enjoy some alone time with your wife"? He asked wriggling his brow and I just rolled my eyes at him

"I'd rather be holed up here than spend a second of my precious time with her and you know it" I tell him

"Calm down Jace, she still loves you, you know? I can see it in her eyes" he explains and I just scoff at him

"It's all an act Ryan, she's selfish and selfish people love no one but themselves" I tell him and he just stares at me like I was talking in a foreign language

"Well what do I know" he breathes out before walking back out of the door.

She loves me my ass, I've been fooled once by her, I won't let it happen again, she told me herself that she never loved me so I guess Ryan is just being plain oblivious.


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