World Cup day

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The weeks after their passionate midnight kiss were like paradise for Lisa Blossom. She had recounted the entire narration of her perfect first kiss to all of her friends as they shrieked and jumped on their beds, swooning over Lisa Blossom's encounter with her new hot crush. She and Nate had gone on multiple dates after that. He was a really great kisser, with his motions and hand positions enough to completely pleasure Lisa. Their hot makeout sessions often left her sweaty and very wet, and eventually Nathaniel had taught her the art that kissing was. More importantly, she felt really comfortable around him. And while Nate had explained why he didn't want a relationship, she knew in her heart that he would come around and couldn't wait for him to make them an official couple. "There's nothing that can go wrong from here," she told herself.


Nate was waiting for Lisa in his car, staring at his watch impatiently. It was the 18th of December, and that meant it was the World Cup final between France and Argentina. Lisa and Nate had plans with their respective friends for the final but Nate had insisted he be the one to drop her wherever she went. Nate was also in a particular frenzy that evening because it was his mother's 40th birthday the next day, and he had planned a surprise for her for midnight. He was lost in his thoughts as Lisa entered the car and was shocked to see how pretty she looked. "Hey beautiful, how was your day?" And with that, they talked and talked while Nate drove. All of a sudden, Lisa posed the question that had been long due. "Nate, what are we?"

Nate parked his car to the side and turned to look at Lisa. "We're humans, beautiful. 2 very pretty humans." Lisa smiled but didn't let go of the topic. "Nate, please. Do you not want me as your girlfriend?" Her eyes showed a deep desire, and Nate knew he could no longer avoid the topic. "Look. We're not dating right now. But we can be exclusive. You won't like dating me. I'll be controlling and possessive and why deal with that? Don't you think this is much better?" Lisa sighed knowing she had to give this silly boy just a little bit more time. "But promise me Nate that if you ever do wanna officially date, you'll tell me. Don't hide it. I know you do stuff like that. But please, don't hide your feelings with me." "Alright beautiful, I can do that for you." He gave the smile that Lisa loved so much and with that, he began exploring her thighs, and agonisingly slowly, he slid his hand up Lisa's thighs and over her underwear. Lisa let out a soft moan, and pushed Nate away. "Nate! There are people around here!" "So what, beautiful? Do you know what I wanna do to you right now?" He said as he brushed the hair off her face. "I wanna press you against the window, and kiss every part of your body, claiming you to be mine, while those people watch, wishing they could be us." "Fuck it," Lisa said and she climbed onto Nate, panting, and giving him an intense kiss. The sexual tension had never been higher, and all of a sudden, Lisa squealed with pleasure as Nate pulled her by her waist and continued with his fingers. Every time Lisa came close to her release, Nate would stop, teasing her by rubbing on the outsides of her very wet p**sy. They went at it for 15 minutes, until the smell of sweat and sex had infiltrated the entire car and suddenly, Nate stopped. "I have a bet for you. If France wins today, I get a free pass to do all that I want to you while you'll be wearing an Mbappe shirt. Lisa leaned closer, ran her fingertips through Nate's hair and bit into his ear as she whispered, "I guess I'll need a Messi shirt for tomorrow, and Nate, the relationship status doesn't matter. You're mine anyways." With that, she exited the car, leaving Nathaniel Sinclair very hard and very shocked.

So, the two young teenagers had decided to keep it casual, at least for a while.

Nate: Argentina won. Keep the messi shirt ready. It's gonna get messy soon:)
Lisa: 😭😭 You're disgusting.
Nate: You gotta deal with me :)
Lisa: Gladly

By 11:30 PM, Nate had left to get some arrangements for his mother's surprise, and within 15 minutes, he was home - all set and excited for the look on his mother's face when she saw what he had planned. He and his brother were gonna play the song mother used to sing to them when they were little, and then fill the room with bouquets of flowers. At 11:49 PM, Nathaniel got a call. In a hurry, he picked up. It was Lisa. "Nate, I'm alone here. Everyone's left and I can't get an Uber this late at night." 

He went to his mother's room and kissed her goodnight. He wouldn't be able to make it back in time if he went to pick up Lisa, but it was a decision he had made. After all the efforts and excitement, he wasn't gonna be there for one of the most significant moments of his mother. However, Nate couldn't bear the thought of Lisa out alone at midnight, and he had to do what he had to do. Lisa acted a little strangely when Nate got there, but he just brushed it off. Little did he know that there was a reason for that. 

A few days later, Nate and Lisa were sitting by the amphitheatre in his residence. They'd been talking and cuddling when Nate said," This exclusive thing is going pretty well. I don't really feel the need for other girls." Lisa's expression suddenly changed to a very solemn one. She'd been acting weirdly for days and Nathaniel had to know why. "What's wrong, Lisa? Tell me now." Lisa took Nate's hands in hers, "Please listen to the entire thing. I'm really sorry." "Continue." "The night of the final, something happened," and with that Lisa looked away. Nate grabbed her by the neck and said, "Lisa, continue for fuck's sake." "They were all playing spin the bottle. And someone told Jeremy that he hadn't had-d his first kis-ss." "Don't stutter! Tell me what happened." "So someone told him to kiss me. It all happened so quickly, I'm so sorry Nate. It didn't mean anything, and I pulled away as soon as I could." 

Everything Lisa said after that was a complete blur to Nate. All girls truly were the same. None of them could be trusted. Every fucking single time he trusted someone, they broke it. Even if it wasn't Lisa's fault, how could she let herself be in such a position with another guy. Especially when she's the one who wanted a relationship. He had missed his mother's most important moment while she was fucking kissing another guy. And she admitted this to him after 5 fucking days. He shuddered as he realised his mind would never ever again let him trust Lisa Blossom completely again. 

He stood up and walked away. He was angry. Beyond measure. He kicked the steps and kept on kicking until his legs could bear no more. All the while Lisa was pleading but he didn't care. All of a sudden, he picked Lisa up and rammed her against a wall. He began kissing her and sucking aggressively, enough to pleasure the hell out of her but not so much that it hurt her. "Is there anyone else capable of having you like this?" He whispered as he nibbled down on her. Feeling the heaviness of the wetness underneath, he spoke, "Is there anyone else who has an effect on you like I do?" Lisa shook her head with the little strength she had. Nate smashed his hand hard on the wall, "Then why the fuck does there have to be anyone else!?" Then he pulled away. I'm sorry but I can't do this," and he just walked away. When he was at a sufficient distance from her, he texted her to go home. 

All this while, Lisa just stood in absolute despair at what just happened. She had perhaps ruined stuff with the best guy she ever had, just because of an idiot at a party. She sunk to the ground and held her head in her hands. She wasn't gonna let stuff end yet. She would convince him. She would plead with him for forgiveness. She had to. But Nate wasn't picking up or answering texts. She didn't blame him. Sullen, she booked a cab and went home.

An hour after Lisa told him the truth, Nathaniel received a text from Conrad. Conrad and Nate were enemies at school. Nate's face completely dropped as he read the text.

Conrad: Ayo. Heard the new junior you hanging out with kissed a lame idiot at a party. You're a wuss bro. 

Brimming with anger, Nate hurled his phone across the room and heard it shatter. So Lisa had only told him the truth because she knew soon someone else would. He gave a sad smile as he realised he would never be able to trust Lisa fully again. He walked to his phone, and picking up some pieces of glass, he dialled a number he didn't think he would dial so soon again. Jennifer Malone picked up, and the next thing Nate knew was himself standing outside the front door of the Malone residence. The door knob rotated, and he could see the silhouette of the girl who just one year ago had meant everything to him. 

"Hello, Nate. Please come in." 

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