discovering emotions

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It had been 2 weeks since they met at the party. And emotions were running similar in the 2 camps.

Lisa Blossom had become obsessed over the cute guy she made eye contact with at a party. Just a few days ago, the two had brushed shoulders while ordering food on a school trip, and that alone gave her a tingling sensation that wouldn't wear off. This wasn't like her normal crushes. It felt more real. Her gut told her that there was something to explore, and her gut never lied. But how was she supposed to get together with a guy like him? "I saw Nate Sinclair cuddling Aria Anas on the trip," she had heard a few girls gossiping. Aria was probably the prettiest girl in senior year. Were they dating? Lisa began telling her friends about her crush, but little did she know that Nate Sinclair would soon find out.

Nathaniel had had a busy few weeks. In between of college applications, school and work, his personal life was a mess. Stella said she wanted commitment from Nate but Nate couldn't commit knowing that he had felt more for a girl he had eye contact with at a party than he had ever felt for Stella.

While out for coffee, his friend Aria gave him the weekly tea of all the girls who currently had crushes on him. As Aria uttered the name 'Lisa Blossom', Nathaniel gave his characteristic smile. He knew what he had to do next.

After reaching home, at 9:08pm, Nathaniel Sinclair dialled a contact to find out everything there was to know about the girl he was about to go out with. At 9:16pm, he dialled a second number. The recipient picked up after a few rings, and a soft voice spoke, "Hello?"

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