P.O.V - Yoongi

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This was the shout that woke me up in the morning. Guess those kids are fighting again, I thought, walking over to the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face and looked in the mirror. My mint-haired and feline-eyed reflection stared back. I then brushed my teeth and rushed downstairs to see what was the issue.

Two of our band's maknae line, Jungkook and Taehyung, were fighting. Seokjin, the oldest with tar-black hair, walked over to me and said, "His Timberlands are missing. Hobi hid them in the spare bathroom." "The one with cockroaches?" I asked. Seokjin nodded, stifling a laugh. "I'M NOT PLAYING V HYUNG," Jungkook yelled, "WHERE ARE THEY?!" "I TOLD YOU, I DON'T KNOW!" the grey-haired boy shouted back. One of his eyes flickered purple, signalling he was pissed. "Aish, who's the one drilling nails in my head?" Jimin asked sleepily, clambering out of his room. Seokjin opened his mouth to explain when Jungkook shouted, "THEN WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?!" "Yoongi will explain, Jiminie," Seokjin said in a dangerously kind voice, one of his own eyes flickering purple. Jimin nodded, sniggering. "Okay, so -" I began, only to be drowned by Seokjin screaming, "YOU UNGRATEFUL BRATS WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT CURSING IN THIS HOUSEHOLD?" I let out a small laugh before telling Jimin the story.

Namjoon returned hours after breakfast, tired and weary. His orange hair was a mess, and his glasses sat askew on his face. We noticed and ran over to the leader, who also happened to be the mayor of Mirotic City. "Joonie," he whispered gently, "you're overworking, you realise that?" Namjoon flopped himself on the couch and sighed. "It's getting tougher and tougher, hyung," he mumbled. Seokjin kissed him on the cheek and passed a plate of eggs and bacon for him. Namjoon thanked the older male and started eating.

"Mm, it's so good, hyung," Namjoon complimented, placing the plate in the dishwasher. "I knew you would like it," Seokjin replied happily, back-hugging the younger male. Namjoon spun round quickly and kissed Seokjin on the lips. The two stayed in their own trance for a while, but it was not like I minded. The two Kims were together for about a year now, and their relationship was a cute one. I watched them kiss, slightly disgusted but overall dying of cuteness. "Gosh, hyungs, get a room," scoffed Jimin, rolling his eyes, only to get a pink slipper in the face (courtesy to Seokjin).


That evening, I stood in my very own recording studio. Lined with fireproof walls, it was always hot in there. And it was because of my ability : fire rapping. Whenever I rap, the term 'spitting fire' is taken a bit too seriously. And after a nasty incident that made me accidentally set our previous house on fire, Namjoon made sure these precautions were taken. I placed the headphones over my ears and waited for Namjoon to give the signal. He signalled a thumbs up soon enough. I was about to start when Taehyung came into the room. "Recording Cypher pt.4 without me?!" he asked, raising one eyebrow. "Yes, now go and bug Jimin or someone else, we're busy," Namjoon chided. "Chill, Namjoon," came a new voice, and in stepped Hoseok, a brown-haired man with the body of a dancer. He always had a smile on his face, and was the sunshine of our music group. I felt my face heat up when I saw him and quickly turned away, not wanting him to notice.

After a while. Taehyung left, saying that the recording was boring, and it was only Namjoon and Hoseok in the room. Trying not to blush at Hoseok, I began rapping my verse. At once, fire started spewing out of my hands and I began to feel stuffy. But my verse was a long one and I had to cope up with it. Soon, the smoke got too much. But I kept rapping, not wanting to lose momentum. Namjoon and Hoseok were looking on worriedly, clearly torn between giving the signal to stop and letting me go on.


Rapping and producing were my lifelines. I couldn't give up on them.

As the rapping got faster, so did the fire.

Soon, I was done. Heaving breaths, I noticed the fire. It was surrounding me. The smoke clenched my throat like an iron fist.

I heard Hoseok scream my name as I passed out.


"Yoongi? YOONGI! Fuck, please be okay."

I woke up groaning on my bed, feeling light-headed. I blinked once or twice to find myself on Hoseok's bed. I glanced up and saw the man himself, a look of concern masking his pretty features. "H-Hoseok..." I mumbled. Hoseok shushed me and pushed me back on the bed. "You need rest. Joon said your rap was good. It's perfect," he said, heading to the door. "Oh..." I muttered, still not having the strength to speak. He soon left, and I felt a distinct feeling of emptiness in me. I had fallen for Hoseok long ago, but he never returned it. Not that I made it obvious, anyway. I sighed. I'd kill for him to be my boyfriend. I loved him so much.

The soft bed and the scent of Hoseok's flowers gently caressed me to sleep, like a mother comforting her child and singing her a lullaby. The window beside me was open, and a rush of cold air sent goosebumps up my skin. It felt good, to say the least. I felt my eyelids droop as I fell down the deep tunnel called slumber.


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