Chapter 1: The First Meet

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Wen Kexing walked to his first period subject when he heard someone calling his name.

"Wen Kexing!! Wait up, bro!" Li Daikun called him. He halted and waited for him.

"Yo!! What's up? It's Wei Ning's birthday today, and he already rented a private karaoke room. Want to go?" Li Daikun said while tip-toeing, catching up Wen Kexing's shoulder as he is taller than him while walking to their first class.

"No problem with me."


They arrived at their class and went to their designated chairs. The class went well, and the last subject is finished. He put his notes inside his bag when his teacher called him.

"Wen Kexing," he looked

"Can you return this book to Sir Zhao at the library?" He nods after he finishes arranging his bag. He goes to the center stage to take the book and return to the library. He passed Dai Kun.

"You go first. I will be right behind you." Daikun just tapped his shoulder and went outside together with their other friends to celebrate Wei Ning's birthday. It's already 4:30 in the afternoon, and the library will be closed at 5 p.m.He went to the library in big steps. He went inside, and he didn't see Sir Zhao. So he called.

"Sir Zhao?" he called again.

When he felt a shift in his back, he felt someone standing on his back, and he suddenly shivered in fear. What if it's a ghost? He slowly turned in horror. He has a cold on his forehead. He's ready to shout out if it's really a ghost. When he sees a beauty in front of him...

He was stunned and mesmerized.

The man smiled at him, and he could see some shock or flustered expression on that beautiful face. He was startled. He didn't mind it.

"I'm sorry. Did I scare you?" He was stunned at his voice. He shakes his head, but the beauty in front of him just smiles widely, as evident in his face that he is scared. He felt embarrassed in front of the beauty. He's a man after all, and he's scared.

"Ah, no, you did not," he stuttered. The beauty just keeps smiling at him brightly.

"I know you do. Don't pretend. I can sense it. Don't worry, I won't harm you. Was that for Sir Zhao?" The beauty still flashes the bright smile while looking at the book he was holding tight in his chest.

"Ahh yes. Sir Gao asked me to return it here, but Sir Zhao is not here. Where is he?

"He went outside for a while. You can put that on his table." He nodded and went to Sir Zhao's table. He put down the table when he accidentally saw the picture of the beauty he met flashed on the laptop. He shrugged, didn't mind it, and didn't want to intervene in his teacher's personal space. He went outside to see that the beauty was still standing at the same spot he was standing earlier.

"Done. Aren't you going home yet? Why are you still here? What year are you? He realizes that he has so many questions, but the beauty didn't mind  him he answered them all honestly.

"Oh, I'm reading books there, and I'm staying here. I'm a graduating student." Sad eyes can be seen, but later he discarded it. He thought.

"Oww. You're my senior. Sorry for too many questions. Are you, sir Zhao family?" he asked. He didn't answer. He suddenly looked out the window. Fear can be seen in his eyes. Wen Kexing somehow didn't understand to see such a sudden change of eyes, somewhat confused, sad, and fearful.

"No worries. I think you can go home now. It's already late. Don't stay here late." The last part is almost a whisper, but somehow he managed to hear it. What for? He has so many questions lingering in his mind. He can't be at ease.

"Wait! What is your name?"

"My name's Zishu."

"Wen. Wen Kexing," he said, raising his hands in a handshake, but the other hesitated and still looked out the window. What's with the window?

"You know, you have to get out now.!" He suddenly snapped at Wen Kexing. He was startled. The other was surprised at himself. He shakes his head.

"I'm sorry. You really need to get out now. I'm serious. The library is closing." Why is he so eager to shove him out of the library? The teacher in charge was not here yet, so what's the hurry? He sighed.

"Okay, but can I see you here tomorrow?" The other was hesitant, but he smiled.

"Sure. I will be there at the end of the shelves reading books." He smiled satisfactorily and went outside. He glanced back, but the other was not there anymore. Weird. Did he teleport or what?? He just shrugged and went outside and drove his car.

This will be my third publish story. Hope you like it.♥️♥️

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