Power Struggle

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Warning: contains strong sexual content
"We will have a talk when I get back."

Every TIE pilot and control room staff heard those chilling words as you navigated your way back to the Finalizer. It was a warning to all clearly. Do not get in the way of the Supreme Leader or face the consequences. Being well aware of that, there was only one target that Kylo had his gaze set on.

You were seething with embarrassment, rage and hurt. You and Ren had gone over the strategy of the upcoming battle, with you at the helm and control. But in a show of having big balls and a puffed out chest, the Supreme Leader overruled your command, and took on the lead. It was a shitshow. Confusion as to what was the formation or who to attack was sounded off in the speakers as you and Ren fought on a different channel. Insults and roars of anger flew between you both, heated and ready to say fuck all to the Resistance and have a showdown of power.

You had calmed down some, your footsteps clanking on the hard metal floor. Averted gazes from First Order officials was given to you, only imagining the next events in order. You could see it now, Hux opening applicants for a second-in-command for Ren, someone who knew how to not get themselves killed. Apparently that was too much to ask for.

The blast doors closed behind you as you took a seat for the last time in your office/apartment.

"Fucking Ren, what a fucking idiot.." you mumbled as you pushed your helmet into the cushion of your couch and kicked your shoes off. "Tells me how to do my job, take my job and stick it up your ass, you s-stupid-"


Your head whipped around to see the masked creature storm in, his fists balled at his side. As the blast doors shut, Kylo lifted off his helmet, holding it in one hand.

"You better have a good explanation as to what the fuck happened out there." He muttered lowly, trying carefully to control his emotions.

"You tell me, Ren. The plan was right there, it was in the palm of my hands and you took it away." You looked at him, your mask of civility melting away. Despite the situation you found yourself in, you really needed to get this out now. "You really don't get it, do you?"

"No, I really don't." He replied, voice clearer and louder. The anger that was displayed on his face quickly changed, neutralizing to someone who genuinely had the time to fuck around.

I had the UPPER hand, thats why everyone was responding to me, Ren. Not you."
You seethed, breathing heavily.

"It's well known that my title automatically puts me before you. Should've been aware of that." He replied, lips pulled back like a hiss. "Gods, you're such a selfish brat."

Your anger was now out of hand. "I'm selfish? Maybe if you weren't there, WE COULD HAVE WON IT!"

You threw your helmet across the room, shattering a wall light fixture in the process.

"No wonder we keep on losing all the time, because you think you're so much smarter than the rest of us, that you think that whatever works for you, works all the time. IT FUCKING DOESN'T!" Your body shook as you shouted at the top of your lungs at Ren, panting heavily as all your frustration vomited out. "The galaxy couldn't have picked a better leader." 

You watched in anticipation as Kylo searched the room to look anywhere but you. You could only imagine the things he was going to do to you now that you had shown how you really felt about him.

All wrath accumulated in a burst of energy, Kylo firing his lightsaber to life. He tore through your desk and chair, hitting, stabbing all that the saber could destroy. The heat of the weapon brought a dark warmth to your face as you looked on in horror. As soon as it started, Kylo holstered his weapon, panting.

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