Intern Work (Randy the Intern x Reader)

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"Hello. I'm Randy."

You looked up from your seat, stopping your scroll through your reports and focusing on the new intern in front of you.

"Umm, hello. Can I help you?" You said, powering down your screen.

"Y-yes. I seem to be new to this, uh, department and I was given a list of tasks to do until the big meeting." He said, his tan hair popping out from underneath his beanie and grey space vest. "You know the big meeting, the big one. The one that Supreme Leader Kylo Ren is attending?"

You took a glance at the galactic film crew following behind him and glanced back at him. "Yes, I am. Personally I am not attending but I am aware of the importance."

"Good!" He said loudly and looked around, scraping his fingernails against the rim of the holopad by his side. His eyes darted back to you and you politely smiled, having an idea of who it was. Maybe it would get you out of this department and actually into a real meeting.

"Did you need help with your list?" You said, standing up from your chair and straightening your uniform.

"I seem to be a little confused by who is who on here. It says mail in Sector 2-A, and beverage handout in fuel invoices." He got quiet for a second. You looked up to see him shaking so slightly, his lips a thin line. "Sarlacc milk is fucking digusting."

You nodded and gulped, your eyes meeting the giant camera lens.

"So can you help me?" He said, clearing his throat. "Can you help me, (Y/N), assistant communicator in Comms?" He eyed your name tag and stared at your face intently.

"Absolutely." You said, looking back at your screen that was full of reports and quotas to meet at a certain time. Oh well, you had a feeling it wasn't going to be that big of a reprimand. 

"He's Kylo Ren, isn't he?"
You pointed to the names on the varying packages, mail to almost every department. "Look, we're in Sector 1-B, we have to go all the way to Sector 2-A. That's almost on the other side of the entire Destroyer."

"We barely put a dent in these." He pointed to his side satchel, breathing in deeply. "Don't you think we could've done this in an email?"

"Tell me about it." You mumbled, flipping through the names and locations. "Okay so I got this sorted out, this half is to Sector 2-A and the other is to Sector 1-C. To get more ground, you go one and I'll go through another. They are right beside each other, but there's seems to be a gap between both places, and the only transport is for First Order suits-"

"Oh look at this." Randy held up a badge with a scanner that would get you anywhere in the ship. "As an intern, I got access to such transport. Isn't that helpful?"

"It sure is." You smiled. You took it from his hand and marched towards the opposite direction that Randy was going. "I'll see you in a minute, buddy."

You looked back as Randy's shoulders tensed, hearing the small words of "I'm no one's buddy" and balled fists. Maybe that wasn't the best thing to do, but he was really giving himself away. But it was Randy the intern, who did all the bitch jobs and did everyone's latte orders. The camera crew ran with him and left you to your deliveries.

You sent a comm with Randy, telling him you were done with your deliveries. "Now I believe all that we have left is caf?"

"Unfortunately." He said, hearing the sound of something sizzling in the background.

"You alright, Randy?"

"Just ran into a little problem. But hey, I got it all figured out." You heard the small shoop of what you could deduce was a lightsaber descending back into the hilt. You pressed your lips together, blinking rather hard at the walls as you tried to figure out whether this really could get you a pay raise or not.

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