30. Rubin

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 "You weren't this upset when Marcus got stabbed last year. He nearly died" Rainer said and I glared at him "You did not just go there" Arianna threatened and Rainer just kept eye contact with her. "GET OUT" she exclaimed but Rainer didn't budge "OUT" Ari screamed and Will entered the room, "Why are you shouting?" He questioned "get him out" she demanded "Ari-" "NOW" she screamed. 

Will jumped and escorted Rainer out of the room, Arianna sighed and rubbed her throat, I assumed it was hurting from yelling. She looked at me and I just made eye contact with her, she sighed and turned towards me. "Hey, don't" Ari sighed sitting down in front of me, she placed her hands on my face and I just looked back down. What Rainer said hurt, he has no right to bring up my brother, especially in vain.


"I'm so sick of being here" I complained and Arianna chuckled, "You've said that 6 times, I know" She laughed and a small smile formed on my face. Will had left alongside Rainer and it was just me and Arianna, she was currently fixing up a bit of food from home. "What did you bring anyway?" I asked, she stood up with a bowl in her hand, "pasta, MY pasta" she corrected. I chuckled at her antics as she placed the bowl in front of me, "it's hot, be careful" she warned. 

I took a whiff of the food and it smelled amazing, "Ari.. this smells like gold" I joked and she looked at me funny "Don't look at me like that, it was a compliment" I chuckled once more and she laughed. Arianna sat down at the end of the bed and had her own bowl, "Hey" I said and she looked at me, "Sit up here" I welcomed and she smiled moving farther up the bed, I picked up my bowl and began eating, she wasn't kidding. It was hot. I grabbed my water and I heard her giggle "I warned you" She stated and I rolled my eyes, "You didn't tell me it was spicy" I argued jokingly "i said it was hot" She sassed and I scoffed. I continued eating and she soon finished hers, there wasn't much pasta but it was filling. I finished mine and placed the bowl away from my bed.

I watched Arianna as she took a drink from her water. It was crazy to me how everything she did was perfect, beautiful, she turned to me and smiled, placing the water down "What?" she asked "Nothing, just lookin" I replied "Well do you like what you see?" She flirted and I chuckled. I sat up and wiped a small piece of the sauce off her lip, "I love what I see" I said softly, my lips getting closer to hers "Well what do you see?" She asked, looking down at my lips then back to my eyes, "A masterpiece" I whispered, my lips connecting to her. 

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled herself up so she was on her knees. Soft moans were heard from both of us, I pulled her closer to me and she straddled me, one of her hands found my hair. Her lips moved in perfect sync with mine, our bodies finding a rhythm together, my hands exploring her body. My hands traveled up the back of her shirt and I began to lift it when she pulled away frantically, "What? Did I go too far? I'm sorry, I didn't-" "No, no. You didn't do anything, just. Anyone could walk in at any moment" She smiled and I smirked "So?" I asked and she raised an eyebrow "Oh? So that's how you wanna play it?" She flirted and I pulled her back onto my lap "Yeah, gotta problem with it?" I questioned and Arianna shook her head "Good" I sighed before kissing her again. 

We practically started where we stopped, my hands went straight up the back of her shirt, and she leaned farther into me. I laid back and readjusted so we were both comfortable, she began grinding against me and I kissed down her neck and she ran her hands all through my hair. My hands were placed on her waist as I guided her movement, she moved my head back up from her neck and kissed me. I began lifting her shirt and she pulled away, taking her shirt off before kissing me again.

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