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Yuuki's POV

My earliest core memory I have is my mom running from something that sound like howling I just remember my mom jumping into a lake and I couldn't breathe I tried crying but the water got into my system and I saw a nose of an animal reaching into the water before I blacked out, I woke up to my home pumping the water out of me and crying

"Yuuki i'm so so sorry baby" My mom cried while hugging me tight while I cried but I noticed my mom had trouble breathing as if she was having a panic attack "please forgive me" her voice was shaky and she was looking around frantically before picking me up and running to our house 


"Yuuki please you'll hurt yourself" My mom screamed at me as I looked down from the ceiling 

"Mommy look!" I smiled "i'm on the ceiling" I screamed while laughing (Yui cannot understand her she can really speak well yet)

"yes yes that's nice honey now come down" My mom reached her hands up to me but she looked so tiny so I jumped down but began floating in the air and running out of energy before falling into my mommy's arms 


"Mommy toy" I looked inside the store as my mom walked in with me and bought me the toy 

I remember going home and playing with it all day long while my mom smiled 


My mom tried her hardest for me everyday of her life even though I knew she was suffering after giving birth my mom was very weak and frail, some days she wouldn't even eat or have the energy to get up but whenever she was awake she'd make me the best meals, buy me the best stuff, and have fun with me, she hated the country Japan though for some weird reason i'm guessing my dad is in Japan since mom never wants to talk about my dad or the country at all

"Yuuki where were you born?" some kid asked me while recess was happening 

"I'm from here" I said playing in the sandbox 

"really? then why do you have a Japanese name? and why do you have such weird eyes?" kids gathered around me

"m-my eyes aren't weird" I tried telling them but they never listened "and my mommy is Japanese so leave me alone!" I took my toy and pushed the girl down before walking away


"It's fathers day Yuuki" the teacher said to me "where is your dad? is he at work? do you want to take a cupcake home to him?" I then looked down and put my hands behind my back 

"I don't have a dad" I said pouting the teacher looked shocked before smiling 

"well why don't you take it to your mom" She comforted me and scraped the "happy fathers day" frosting off the cupcake and putting new frosting on it that said "happy 2nd mothers day"

I smiled and wrapped the cupcake for my mommy and put it in my bag 

All throughout my school life I was bullied for being Japanese, having weird eyes, and not having a dad. I was called all sorts of things from parents, kids, and sometimes teachers. One time I even punched a girl and she blacked out and didn't wake up for 9 months. Mom told me I can't hit people because I don't know my own "strength" yet I was always confused on what she meant by that 


Now i'm in the fourth grade and luckily people talk to me and I even made some friends in my classes 

"why is your name Yuuki? are you Japanese?" my best friend Ava asked me "it's a pretty name"

"Yeah i'm Japanese" I smiled "w-wait I have a pretty name?" 

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