Broken Memories

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Yui's POV - 2013 - 2014

After a year of fighting for my life I built relationships with all thirteen men here, and with that I had sex everyday. I don't blame them since Karlheinz basically trapped them in a relationship with me. Although I do feel like i'm viewed as any other role more than a girlfriend. They always make me do stuff when they want but when I want to do anything i'm mocked.

"Yui-san make me some cake" Kanato asked while I was in deep thought. I knew not to defy him so I got out the equipment 

"Chichinashi make me some food" Ayato walked into the kitchen 

"after I make Kanato his-" I tried to tell him but of course 

"Kanato? yours truly should always be first, plus he had loads of chocolate earlier he doesn't need anymore!"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I asked first so therefore I am first" Kanato screamed at him before they got into a verbal fight 

"Bitch-chan~" Laito teleported behind me "Why not ditch them so we can do something else~" Laito slowly reached into my shirt as I tried to protest before looking back over at the two and seeing Kanato crying while shouting

"god shut up" Shu groaned "your ruining my music"

"OI! I can here you all from outside!" Subaru barged in "I can't even sleep anywhere without hearing your shoutin'"  Subaru looked over at me "OI! you just had a round with her earlier get your hands out her shirt" he pulled me closer to him 

The noise in this kitchen was so loud that my ears could have popped out at any minute 

"What is all this noise?" Reiji came into the kitchen with an angry look causing everyone to stop 

"Yui said she'd make me cake first and then Ayato wants her to make him food" Kanato wiped his tears 

"that's because yours truly is first at everything and you can eat the leftover cake you have already!" Ayato slammed his fist on the table 


"Bitch-Chan lets get out of here" Laito grabbed my hand but Subaru grabbed the other 

"Why must you cause trouble everywhere you go?" Reiji looked at me 

"but I didn't do anythi-" I spoke up looking at him 

"I had enough of your excuses" Reiji dragged me "come you deserve a whipping"

"can I watch" Ayato and Laito both spoke up and tried followed Reiji 

Of course I get a whipping for something I couldn't control, I sighed to myself and realized this was going to be my life until I died, hopefully i'd get reincarnated into a unicorn or a pretty pegasus

It's not just like this here, if it were i'd spend more time with the other guys but unfortunately every house is just the same 

"Oi! sow step away from Kou and help me with the garden"

"M-Neko chan you haven't seen me in a week because of my job" Kou looked at me with pouty eyes

"Miss Eve...can you...teach me how to...make pudding" Azusa asked while holding a recipe book 

Ruki came downstairs and resolved it and yet again I was punished for something I can't control

"Shin, Kino can you please-" I wanted to do something fun but Kino threw the puzzle out my hand 

Broken Family - Diabolik Lovers fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang