
"Yeah, petal?" Sunny calls out, flicking her eyes over to Nola as Mosi spots me standing beside his big sister.

"Dada!" He grins widely and starts to tumble over to me.

He has got so much more stable on his legs that recently he has been running about like a lunatic and giving Sunny and I multiple heart attacks.

"Hey, Little Darling!" I scoop him into my arms, kissing his curls that fan around his face. "Did you miss your dada?"

He nods and gives me a hug as I smile.

"I missed you too, Mosi!"

"Play?" He points to his set of cars that are littered behind me on the carpet.

"Yeah, we can play," I tell him, starting to kick my shoes off and walk over to the rug where I bend down and sit his little body opposite me. 

"Daddy said you look extra pretty today," Nola proudly declares.

Smirking, Sunny readjusts Juni on her hip and starts to slowly walk over to me.

"Oh, did he now?"

"I'd never be able to keep an affair hidden with this one around, she can never keep my secrets," I mutter under my breath.

Tutting and knowing that I am only kidding, Sunny leans forward and kisses me while I sit on the floor and let Mosi use my legs as a car track to run the plastic toys over.

"Can you take Juni bug for a second?" She asks me, passing over our little girl before discreetly trying to usher Rory and Nola back into the kitchen.

"Here, Bug!" Sitting her between my parted legs, I pass her a large plastic red car and watch as she immediately shoves it into her mouth and coats the toy in saliva.

"No!" Mosi whines, reaching out over the rug with a screwed-up face and fingers that pinch the air. "No, Bug!"

"She can't have it?" I question, knowing damn well that he is only kicking off because I have given a car that he wasn't even playing with to his little sister. "Amos, you've got four cars in your lap, they aren't enough?"

Shaking his head, he grizzles again. "No!"

"Mosi!" I warn, trying to teach him the value of sharing. "What about this red car?" Plucking another one from the toy bin, I wave it about but his full lips pucker into a face I know means he is about to throw a tantrum.

We are approaching the terrible twos and they aren't kidding when they say it is hell on earth. With Rory and Nola, Mosi is so calm-tempered and this little angel of a boy but if Juni so much as looks at one of his toys, world war three is starting.

"This one has flames on it!" I try to entice him but he still adamantly reaches for the car that Juniper has in her hands. Strings of saliva fall down her bare chest as she gums on the toy. "Sunshine?" I call out, looking over in the direction of the kitchen.

Sunny appears a second later, poking her smiling head around the door with a small nod.

"Why is Juni in only a nappy?"

"We had spaghetti for tea-"

"You said tea!" I gasp, pointing to her triumphantly.

The smile on her face drops and Sunday starts to shake her head. "No, I didn't!"

"You're British now, it's official!" I yell, lifting Juniper up from under her arms and holding her above my head.

Still dribbling, I bob my head to avoid her spit but smile widely at the sound of her contagious giggling echoing around our house. kicking her legs out like she is swimming through the air, Juni drops the car from her hand and instead reaches for my face.

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