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When Hawks woke up, everything ached severely. Besides being still extremely drunk and/or hungover (how long has it been?)

And something was wrong.

Definitely wrong.

He noticed the pain before he noticed his surroundings. He wasn't where he had passed out. Had he passed out? Everything was pitch black.

He reached up weakly to rub his temple, but was met with an intense streak of pain whenever he tried to move. He shot up his back and through his wings.

He let out a yelp and returned to his crumpled up position. The floor was sticky, but it was too dark to see anything. He couldn't identify what was sticky.

He guessed it was blood.

He didn't know how long he laid in pitch blackness before anything happened, but when something did happen it was a voice. Or... Voices? Some distant arguing. He was dizzy and disoriented and couldn't really place who was speaking.

So he just listened.

"You didn't kill him right?"

"I wanted him to suffer first."

"It's not his fault."

"Yes, it is! It is 100% his fault. He got us to trust him and lured us in and then tried to kill us. This is why we should have never fucking trusted the heroes in the first place!"

"He can't even do his job now..."


"What if you killed him? I really don't think he meant to hurt us."

"If he's dead all the better because you know who else is dead? Jin! Twice is fucking dead and it's his fault, Toga. So listen to me. Bandage him up so he doesn't bleed out and I can torture him a bit longer."

"Dabi, don't you think this is too far? You know what he's been through."

"WHAT ABOUT WHAT WE'VE GONE THROUGH, HUH? He took Twice away from us. He took Twice from life so why shouldn't he suffer? Why shouldn't the heroes suffer? Why are we made to suffer when suffering is the only fucking thing we have ever fucking experienced!?"

"I know you're hurting, Dabi.. I know Twice didn't deserve to die but he was just as turned against as us... Plus you know what the comission did to him. Don't you think he's been through enough?"

"Fuck you, Compress. Toga, just go fucking take care of him. And if he's dead just holler and I'll burn the body."

"...whatever you say, Touya."

"Don't call me that. No one. No one gets to call me that anymore."

And then light flooded into whatever room Hawks was in.

Well it was more like a closet. A closet with bars in front of it? Mesh? What was this...

No. He was in a cage. It was big, maybe a dog crate? Something to house animals in. He guessed it was because of his quirk, they wanted to cage him like a bird.

His vision was so blurry he could barely make out the shoes of the person standing in front of him.

"Hawks?" Someone asked, "holy shit are you awake?"

"Hurts." He mumbled.

"Oh my god, okay. It's going to be okay." She whispered, "I can't believe he did this to you..."

"What?" He asked, coughing a little afterwards and then groaning from the pain of it.

"He- your wings..." She said nervously, unlocking the cage Dabi had stuffed him in, allowing him to crawl out of he wanted to.

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