Chapter 4: A New Client?

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  Mayberry: *shocked* Impossible.. How did you even know that?

Lincoln: It wasn't so hard to guess. You said Mrs. Mayberry not Ms. Mayberry indicate you're married and the way your tone speak Mrs. is a bit deep suggesting your husband is the cause of your death. Am I right?

Mayberry: Y-yes you're correct. That fucking shit of a husband of mine cheat on me for some whore while I'm teaching my class.

Lincoln: Hmmm, I see... Have a seat in that room while I make you something to drink. Tea or Coffee?

Mayberry: Tea. Thank you.

*Lincoln nods his head and head somewhere else to make tea for Mrs. Mayberry while Mayberry enter the meeting room and take a seat waiting for Lincoln. A few second later, I return with 2 cup of tea and give it to Mrs Mayberry*.

Mayberry: Hmm...delicious. Did you make it yourself?

Lincoln: *nod* Yes, I did. I want to make sure every client we have is feeling comfortable with our business so I decide to make my own tea for the clients. Now, let's get to business then.

*Mrs. Mayberry nod her head and begin to explain to me how a positive and kind-hearted elementary school teacher turn into a murderer, how she found out her husband fucking another woman, how she confront the bitch in front of her students and how she ended up in Hell*.

Mayberry: You do everything right in life, play by all the rules... and still get sent down here with all the Hitlers and Epsteins of the world! After one measly massacre propelled by blind rage.

*Lincoln feels a bit remorse at her and I suddenly touch Mrs. Mayberry's hand which she doesn't mind to assure her from the pain she receive in the human world*.

Lincoln: I'm so sorry to hear that. I pity for someone as beautiful as you are in this shitty place instead of the holy place.

Mayberry: *sad smile* Thank you, Mr Hellhound. I appreciate the compliment.

Lincoln: Call me Lincoln and I'm only 12 years old.

Mayberry: *widen eyes in shock* You're 12 years old!? You're so young. How did you end up in here?

Lincoln: *sigh* To make it simple my family believed I was Bad Luck then I was kicked out of my house, I try to run away but they found me and began to hurt me physically, but our boss here blitzo along with others saved me and I got turn into a hellhound.

Mayberry: Oh. I see. Forgive me for saying those words, you shouldn't have gone through all of that.

Lincoln: *shake head* It's fine. I have a stable job now and I can do whatever I want in Hell, and I'm happy now.

Mayberry: If you're happy then I won't force you. About the payment..

Lincoln: *nod* All I need is the target's name, location, reason and wish.

*Mrs. Mayberry begin to tell those details on the paper I give where I will give the proper payment for my service*.

Lincoln: The payment will be 2,000 dollar but if you add another 1,000 dollar, you will retrieve the body of your victim with the location as well.

Mayberry: It's fine. I just want my shitty husband and that whore to die and end my suffering.

Lincoln: *nod* Very well then. *stands up* Pleasure doing business with you.

Mayberry: *stand up* The pleasure is mine, Lincoln

Lincoln: Maybe after done with the job, how about a small party for you? My treat to make you feel better.

Mayberry: *laugh* That would be wonderful. I will come to your party.

Lincoln: *nod and smiles* Okay then.

*Mrs. Mayberry gives her phone number to me lincoln then she leaves the room. Then, he calls Moxxie and Millie about Mayberry's request where I will do the job by myself*.

Moxxie: Are you sure you don't want any assistance, Lincoln? It might be dangerous for you alone

Lincoln: Don't worry, I'l be fine on my own. With discovering my new abilities and what I'm capable lf doing, I will come back alive.

Moxxie: Fine. Make sure you come back. I'm gonna miss you if you don't return.

Millie: *off screen* Good luck, Sweetie.

Lincoln: *smile* Thanks for the support, Aunt Millie. Send Grandpa *Blitzo* and Mom *Loona* my regard to them.

Moxxie: Of course, Lincoln.

*Lincoln ends the call and draws a pentagram on the floor. It grows red and creates a portal to the human world. I turn around and make a 'T' pose before let my body fall into the portal*.

Lincoln: Time to hunt for some Motherfuckers.

Lincoln Loud in Helluva BossHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin