Best Day (Mitobe Rinnosuke)

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This was requested by @RedMoonRose, I hope you enjoy! (I'm on my phone so I'll dedicate this to you later)

You dropped your bag on the floor as you were tired from work. Your husband walked over to you and made hand gestures. Even after years of being together you still couldn't understand him. Koganei tried teaching you what Mitobe was trying to say, by teaching you by letting you get used to his facial expressions and gestures. You still couldn't understand.

Mitobe continued making dinner for the two as you took a shower.

"Ittadakimasu!" You said as you clapped your hands together while your husband just simply clapped his hands.

He smiled at you and began eating.
"Rinno-chan~~~" Mitobe looked up and gestured for you to continue.

"People at work are so annoying. They need to get their act up, I tell them something but they always forget and when I give them simple instructions they fail to follow them." You continued ranting on and on about work while eating dinner.

Mitobe, who wasn't able to speak listened to you carefully taking in one word after another. He didn't really know what to say/gesture/whatever. You seemed to be really struggling at work but he didn't even know of a way to help you.

After dinner, you washed the dishes and watched a little bit of (Favourite Anime) before going to bed.

"Good night, Rinno-chan," you whispered into his ear and gave him a peck on the cheek. You expected the male to wake up but he just kept on sleeping soundly. You sighed.

The next morning when you woke up you realised you were late for work.
"Shit. Rinnosuke!!! Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You were sleeping soundly so I didn't want to wake you up. I already called to ask if you could come a little late to work today," a voice replied to you.

"Rinno-chan? Are you finally deciding to speak?"

You walked over to your husband. You saw him holding a phone with smile across his face. After explaining how he spoke (he didn't really) you sighed. You thought your husband was finally able to speak. But thanks to Koganei and his skills with technology Mitobe and you finally had a way of communicating.

"Here's your lunch for today," the voice on his phone said. Even though it wasn't his, you were still overcome with happiness since the voice Koganei created sounded exactly like how you imagined Mitobe's to be.

You grabbed the lunch Mitobe made for you and rushed to work.
"Ah! Wait!" You turned back just before Mitobe closed the door.

"Did you forget something (Your name)?" You nodded and pecked Mitobe on the lips.

"I love you!"


It was another long tiring day after you got home. You did your normal routine and had dinner with Mitobe. But, today was probably the best day of your life. Mitobe would reply to you and give you suggestions when you told him a complication you had.

"Don't forget (Your name), I'm always here for you. I love you."

A/N: I hope you liked it @RedMoonRose ! I personally think it sucked but... Oh well! Mitobe was also really OOC. (I think)

Imagine Mitobe's voice... I think it would be really hot, but not really deep. Maybe a mixture of Hyuga's and Kiyoshi's... Idk. LOOL

Anywayyyy, thank you for reading! Please leave a vote, comment and a follow. You know the drill!

Please request a character! I'm currently working on a Kuroko x Reader x Mayuzumi but I'm taking other requests! Thank you for all the support guys, I really appreciate it!


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