"Nuh uh, pick up TWELVE!! HAHAHHAHA" Chan added and everyone started laughing.

"Oh hey, jisung and Minho, sit down let's play together. Now the whole Wolfgang is together" Chan added.

After playing a few rounds Hannah walked towards them and called them to eat cake and sing for chan.


After the party everyone said their goodbyes to chan and his family and left.

"Should I send you home seungmin?" Hyunjin asked nicely.

"Nope! He's staying with me tonight." Jisung replied before Seungmin could say anything.

"Oh okay.. then goodnight..." hyunjin said that looking at seungmin, but the younger is avoiding eye contact so he added "everyone..." to not make it look awkward.


Seungmin pov.

Once again it's Monday, I arrived at school and went to look for my friends. I saw Jeongin, but he was suspiciously standing at bangchan's locker.

"Hey Innie!" I greeted as I walked towards him.

"Oh, hey Minnie!" He greeted back.

He was holding a letter in his hands.

"So watchu doing? Is that a love letter~" I teased "Finally decided to confess to your crush of like foreverrr."

"No I'm helping crystal out." He sighed.

"Crystal?? Bangchan's name is clearly written in your handwriting"

"Yea but he doesn't know that so it's alright." He slipped the letter into Chan's locker.

"Couldn't crystal write her own letter or something?" I asked annoyed.

"She said she isn't good in love letters, so I decided to help." He innocently smiled at me.

"DING DING" the bell rang.

"Whatever" I said. "I'm going to class."

"Please keep this a secret minnie." He politely asked.

"Of course, innie" i replied and then walked to class.

As I walked to class I realized I need to deal with Hyunjin's bullshit AGAIN.

"Ow! What the hell" I shouted,

This random kid poured a whole cup of Coca Cola on me.

"I'm so sorry, friend!" The boy quickly apologized.

"Oh.. no it's okay, I'm sure it was an accident" I said as I tried to clean of the Coca Cola off from my white t-shirt.

"I'm so sorry, here you can wear my hoodie to cover the stain for now" he handed his hoodie to me "After school you can give me your shirt and I can wash it for you" he added.

"Thank you, but it's alright it's just cola stain on a white t-shirt I can get it off easily with bleach" I replied as I put his hoodie on.

"Okay" he smiled back "my name is Beomgyu by the way" he reached out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm seungmin" I shook his shook his hand.

"Alright I'm going to class" he pointed to the direction that he's headed to.

"Oh I'm going to the same direction, let's walk together" I suggested and he agreed.

"Here is my classroom, see you later beomgyu" I waved to him before I opened the door.

"Good morning sir, sorry I'm late, something happened on the way" i explained to my teacher.

As I entered the classroom, I noticed Hyunjin staring at me, like how he always do. But the way he looked at me today looks a little weird, i guess? But as soon as he saw that I was looking at him, he immediately smiled at me, that makes it weirder helloooo??? I could feel him staring at me the whole lesson. He's such a weirdo...

"It's okay seungmin, please come in and sit down." My teacher replied.


Hyunjin pov.

Me and my friends where just sitting outside our classroom chatting. Then I saw the school door open and Seungmin walked in like a bright star.

"Yo hyunjin, your ex slid into my dms yesterday"

"Oh."  I peeked over my friend's shoulder and saw him scolding his friend, I think? That's what it looked like.

"I think her name was Jessica. Lowkey bro she's actually so fine..."


My friend continued talking but I didn't even bother to listen. I tought to myself : Seungmin is such a perfect human being, even when he's scolding his friends. He such a cut-

"HYUNJIN! Are you even listening??"

"Yea yea, you can have her, I'm gonna go inside"

"Alright bro."

I decided to go to class early so I could welcome seungmin into the classroom with a big smile. But I waited for soo long, even the bell rang and he didn't even come. Usually he would be here already.

The door suddenly opened.

"Good morning, sir. sorry I'm late, something happened on the way" seungmin explained to the teacher.

But when he finally walked in he was wearing someone else's hoodie. That's beomgyu's hoodie. Favorite hoodie too the hell?! He didn't wear that when I saw him entering the school??? I didn't know they where so close... As I looked up at Seungmin he was already looking at me, my reflexes directly made me smile at him.

"Good morning, sorry I'm late, something happened on the way" Seungmin explained to my teacher.

Yeah right. Probably a make out session with BEOMGYU happened on the way huh.

Here's an update for the ones waiting!!
I might not update just for the upcoming week because i have a lot of thing going on at school.
Thank you for understanding <3

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