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AN/Background info?

This is bullshit. Enjoy my bullshit. Historical accuracy? What historical accuracy?

This is literally a fever dream; I had this idea as soon as I finished the final season of The Owl House (Late to the party I know). I have Wittebros brain rot and I'm a sucker for villains with ambiguous backstories, and loving sibling relationships, well you know before Phil goes all axe murder. So obvi this is for the Belos simps if yall exist out there. Giving Philip Wittebane a chance to not be a total ass from the beginning who doesn't dive straight into the murdering of older brothers and delusional god complex. Let the crusty old British man have a shot at being a decent human being, y'know the whole 'I can fix him' stunt.

He's still a witch hunter but we're going to head right into Sam and Dean, Hansel and Gretal, Van Helsing, monster hunting lore and territory, so that he wasn't straight up torching innocent women Salem witch hunt style. Trying to make him a decent human, work with me here. Change up Owl House lore? making my own lore? Philip Wittebane? New and improved we gonna flip he's entire personality? Who knows anyway, this is just to help so who ever (for reasons unknown to me) reads this isn't completely lost. 

I'm also going to put trigger/content warnings above some of the chapters, because despite my absolute failure to keep to historical accuracy. To ignore the interactions between different groups of people within this time period and the discrimination and violence that came with it is just plain ignorance. I will be as sensitive as possible so as a result there won't be in-depth depictions or necessarily accurate conversations. I don't have enough information or an extensive research source so I can really only offer a very small and- well lameish form of representation as I suckass and am lame. But to ignore people's existence and roles during this time period is not gonna fly and is even lamer. 

This is a train wreck. Save yourselves please. 

Love yall! Which is why I'm asking you to run!
Enjoy this steaming hot pile of garbage!

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