"Stella, he's hurting and he's scared." Boden told her, "He'll come around; he just needs to process everything. That man loves you too damn much to just walk away."

"I know. I'm scared too." She tells them as a few tears fall. "This baby is a part of me; I can't..." She cries harder.

Brett walks over to her and hugs her. "Do you think I'm doing the right thing?" Stella asks, looking at Brett. Her eyes begged Brett to agree with her. She just needs someone on her side—someone to understand why she can't abort her baby. She needs some positive support. Support she's not getting from her husband and probably never will.

The four of them exchanged looks. "If I was in your situation. I would risk my life for my child too." Brett told her honestly. She cupped Stella's face, fighting back her tears. "The odds might not be in your favor, but I believe you can be that percent that beats this."

And for the first time since Stella was told the horrible news, she finally felt like a weight had been lifted off her. It meant so much to have someone on her side, someone who didn't think she was crazy. "You have no idea how much I needed to hear that, Brett." They hugged again. "I just wish Kelly understood where I was coming from and why I can't do what they are asking me to do."

"He will; give him time. Severide is a wise man." Violet told her.

Casey gave Brett a disturbed look. Clearly not believing she's supporting Stella's decision. "What the hell is wrong with you ladies?"

They all turned their attention to Casey, saying, "Severide and I can't be the only ones who think this decision is ridiculous." He asked in a frustrated voice.

"Casey..." Boden said.

"Are you telling me you support this decision, Chief? Do you think this is a smart decision?"

"It's not my decision to make or my place to say anything. I am choosing to stay positive, and I will support Stella's decision." Boden said, giving Stella a supportive smile.

"Thank you, Chief," Stella replied. Giving him an affectionate smile. back.

"This is pure bullshit!" Casey exclaimed. "I, for one, stand with Severide. I do not support it, and I will not support it."

"Matt," Brett said as Casey walked out the door. "I'm sorry, Stella, I don't know what came over him."

"It's fine. He's looking out for Kelly, so I understand where he's coming from. I know there will be a lot of people who will not understand my decision. But that's their right; I am not going to let it affect me."

"That's right because the last thing you need right now is stress," Violet says. "You need to be surrounded by love and supportive people."

Boden walked over to Stella. "Don't let them stress you out." He kissed the top of her head. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me or Donna; we support you and will be here for you."

Stella hugged him and whispered. "Thank you for the support."

She watches as Boden walks toward the door. "I appreciate you, ladies, I do. All I want is the support of my husband; I can't do this without him."

"Yes, you can," Violet tells her. "You are strong enough to get through this; it's Severide's loss."

Stella gave her an appreciative smile. "I do not doubt that if I am forced to do this alone, I can do it. But I want Kelly by my side; I don't want to go through this without him."

As Boden walks out the door, he sees Kelly and Casey leaning up against the wall. He held the door open just a tad so they could hear the conversation between the three women. Kelly hears Stella's words and closes his eyes. Boden shuts the door quietly. "Are you going to let her do this alone?" He questioned.

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