chapter 1

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POV: Dino
   I woke up feeling very tired and sick.  I kept thinking should I tell the hyung and take a vacation or just try to look okay?
   I got up to the sound of knocking, opened the door, and found him, Sungkwan hyung, he was smiling and said to me: Why are you late getting up today, we have a party, did you forget about it?
   I told him: I fell asleep, I was very tired
   Seungkwan: Hurry up, take a swim and change your clothes.  We only have an hour left until we go to the site.
   Dino: okay hyung see you later.
   And I went to take a shower, despite the severe pain in my head, and when I finished, I drank a headache medicine and went down to the car.  I was the last member to sit in the car.  Joshua Heung said to me: Dino, why are you late.
   Dino: Hyung, I slept late last night because of filming, and I was tired.
   Jeonghan: Did you sleep well?
   Dino: No.
   POV ending: Dino
   The members arrived at the concert and started vocal training, but some members noticed that Dino's breathing was hard.... Dino, are you okay?  Jeonghan asked....yeah hyung, I'm a little tired.
   Dino, go rest and drink something warm.  Your voice is tired.  one of the employees told Dino.  It was on the ears of the hyungs who looked directly at Dino's face and told him to go rest.
   Dino: OK but how am I going to test the microphone and the auditorium?
   Scopus: I'll tell you about the room later and the staff will test the microphone.
   Dino: Well... he grumbled and annoyed... he didn't want to tell the hyung because the lam was gone but with their insistence on going to the break he got annoyed and left.
After two hours of vocal practice, the members entered the break and found Dino sleeping on the couch and the staff was putting makeup on him, so they laughed because he didn't really feel like something was being put on him.
   After some time, he woke up and the pain was gone, which made him happy. He didn't talk to hyung in the first place about his head pain, and now he found that there was no reason for that.
   Joshua: Dino, can I get you green tea?  I'll go get an Americano.  You obviously didn't drink anything warm.  Your voice is still strange.
   Dino: Yes hyung please, I fell asleep right after I left the stage.
   Joshua: As I expected.  (He said, standing up to walk out the door.)
   Scopus: Religiously, do you feel tired, does your head hurt, or is it just your voice that has changed?
   Dino: Hyung, I'm totally fine, I don't know why my voice changed, I think it's because of shooting yesterday.
   John: I think so too, but I do not exclude that you are sick, your face is pale.
   Scopus: Exactly.... Dino, if you feel pain or a headache, just get off the stage, okay?
   Dino: Yes hyung 👍🏻
   Joshua came with tea in his hand, Dino took it
   Dino: Thanks hyung, you worked hard with me.
   Yeshua: Excuse me, no, on the contrary, I asked you at the beginning.  (He said with a smile of relief.)
   POV: Dino
   I'm really fine now but I have to be careful because my voice is still hoarse and not as usual and also the pain in my head I really hope the party goes well and I don't have to leave it
   The8 Hyung interrupted my train of thought when he told me about the video you shot and did you finish working on the dance?
   Dino: Of course hyung, I finished it about three days ago.  When we're done with the ceremony, I'll show it to you.
   The8: Well, I'm excited to see your new design.  I feel like it's the nicest thing I've worked on so far.
   Dino: Of course hyung, even dancing is very difficult, but I really liked it.
   the8: You got me so excited now... right Dino, are you okay?  (He asked as he put his hand on my forehead)
   Dino: Of course hyung and why not.
   The8: Your voice is very tired but there is no heat.  do you have a headache?
   (I noticed now that all the members were interested in his conversation and wanted to talk) But hyung I told him I'm really fine, it's the 5th time I'm telling you.
   The8: Your face is so pale, how can we not even ask for yellow knowing you're wearing makeup... are you sore anywhere?
   Dino: Hyung, I don't feel pain right now, even in my throat, even though my voice is different.  I will be fine.  Don't worry.  Also, if I feel pain at the party, I'll quit right away.
   (I really hate this. I hope I'm not dizzy or in pain because I don't want to get out of the concert.)
   The8: Okay, but take care of yourself and control your breathing, okay?
   Dino: yeah hyung don't worry 👍🏻.
End pov:dino
   After the ceremony ends
   (The party went well but I felt some pain in my head at the end I don't know why but even my lungs were invaded by sudden pains. I hope it goes away tomorrow. Today I will try to rest as much as possible so that I don't want to leave the hotel I will go straight to sleep)

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