Chapter Seven - Hero's In Training

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The next morning, Jacob woke up and got some cereal for breakfast. He also lived in a dorm like Elizabeth. They go to different schools but they now pass each other during their walk to school and since it's summer break they don't have to stay in their dorms but they both chose to.

Jacob still couldn't believe all that has happened in the past few weeks. I mean, he has powers, there seems to be two people trying to kill and shatter him, and on top of that, his best friend Alaina seems to know about him and Hayden's somewhat relationship. Jacob knew he had to put it in the past and focus on the present. He has training in 20 minutes, so he should start walking to the base. He put his cereal down, grabbed the things for training and headed out the door.

He entered the base and saw Elizabeth and Jack talking. Jacob is glad to see everyone finally getting along. "Hey Jacob!" Jack says. "Have a seat. We're gonna start once everyone gets here." Damian said as he was typing something on his computer. Damian seemed nervous about something. On the big screen, there were three other cores, one gray one, one pink, and one light green. Jack and Elizabeth kept talking so Jacob decided to pull out his phone. Jessica and Hayden texted they they were almost there, which is good. Not too long after the text was sent, Hayden and Jessica entered through the underground doors. "The base sure is hard to find." Hayden said as he sat next to Jacob, touching the back of his hand.

"Alright everyone." Damian said. "So today you guys will officially train for the first time." He continued. " Each of you have three main abilities as well as three special abilities and one specific thing you guys can do. I will read off of my computer the specific thing you guys can do." Damian said as he sat down on his chair and started reading. "Jessica has the ability to know things before others, Elizabeth has the ability to see into the past, present, and future, Hayden has the ability to manipulate dark energy, Jack has the ability to manipulate sound waves, and Jacob has two different things. He can manipulate reality and time." Damian says.

"No fair!" Jack says. "Jacob gets the cool powers and I'm stuck with sound waves." He says. "Sound waves are cool!" Jessica says. "You can move things with sounds and stuff. She states. "Speaking of moving things, let me introduce you all to the three things you can all do." Damian says. "As you all may know, you can create balls of energy in your cores color. These balls of energy are called psi orbs." He explains. "All of you can also teleport and do telekinesis." Damian continues. "Each of you also have a specific weapon. Jacob is the only exeption because he actually has a power for that. Hayden you have a spear, Jessica has a knife, Jack has a shield, and Elizabeth has a sword." He says. "Each of these are energetic weapons, so you have to summon them." He says. "But what about me?" Jacob asks. "Well, all of you have different powers besides your main ones. Jacob has a lot, about ten to fifteen others. One of these is apart of your reality manipulation ability. You can think of a weapon and it will appear. This takes a lot of time and practice, so dont be bummed if you dont get it on the first try. Now lets go to the training room. I want everyone to work on your three special abilities." Damian says.

Jacob, Jessica, Elizabeth, Jack, and Hayden all gathered in the training room. Jacob was excited to finally test out his powers in a controlled environment. Damian gave them the rundown of what they would be working on during the session. Each of them needed to work on their three special abilities.

Jacob started by trying to manipulate reality. He focused on a water bottle sitting on the table and tried to change its color from clear to red. After a few seconds of concentration, the bottle slowly began to change into a deep shade of red. He felt a rush of excitement as he successfully altered the bottle's color.

Jessica had the ability to know things before others. She decided to test this out by predicting what Damian would say next. She concentrated on his body language and the tone of his voice, and was able to correctly guess his next sentence. The surprise on Damian's face was proof that she had succeeded.

Elizabeth was working on her ability to see into the past, present, and future. She closed her eyes and focused on an object in the room. Suddenly, she was bombarded with flashes of images and sounds from the past and future. It was overwhelming, but she managed to maintain her composure and open her eyes.

Hayden was trying to manipulate dark energy. He focused on a nearby object and tried to change its shape. After a few attempts, the object began to morph into a completely different shape. Hayden was ecstatic that he was able to manipulate dark energy in such a way.

Jack was experimenting with his ability to manipulate sound waves. He tried to create a powerful sonic boom by clapping his hands together. His attempt was successful, causing a gust of wind to blow through the room.

The group then moved on to practicing their telekinesis and teleportation abilities. Jacob felt a little uneasy about teleporting, but he knew it was necessary for his training. He closed his eyes and focused on a spot across the room, and suddenly he was there. He had successfully teleported for the first time.

Finally, they moved on to practicing with their energetic weapons. Elizabeth summoned her sword, and the rest of the group followed suit with their own weapons. They spent the next hour practicing their movements and techniques with their weapons.

Overall, the training session was a success. Everyone had made progress with their abilities, and Jacob was excited to see what else he could do with his reality manipulation power.

The team decided to rest in their rooms at the base.

Meanwhile, Damian was worried. He thinks that tommrow something bad will happen. Damian has a core of his own, the gold core, however he never uses them. He has been studying and found out a ability Nathan can do. He can go out of body and basically become a ghost. Damian knew that Nathan could be anywhere and that it is only a matter of time before Nathan finds the base, which is why Damian is training the cores. He knows something will happen soon. He also has found a new core. A pink core. Damian is trying to track it down before The Collector gets to it. It seems to have already bonded, or paired with someone. Whatever's happening, Damian needs to make sure the team is ready for it because The Collector could also be anywhere. It could even be someone who is a good friend to one of the cores.

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