Chapter 7

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You stand there, staring up at the creature that has been lurking around and stalking you. The creatures face was covered with big fluffy dreadlock-like hair, it looked dark green in the darkness of the forest. With one swift movement, it takes you by the head, covering your eyes, you are still frozen in fear and squeeze your eyes shut. 

After what felt like hours, the creature puts you down, but you stumble backward and fall on your behind. You see the creature that took you and two other more feminine things... They look familiar. One of the short females is entirely blue with two long tails and a frown on her face, the other one has a yellow-orange-red color scheme and now you realize the tall one is a lime green scheme. The frowning one steps closer to you and bows to your eye level, keeping her hands on her hips. "It smells like Julies neighbors do." The girl says as she takes a whiff of air around you and stands up straight, looking over at the other girl. 

"Y-you know Julie?" You mumble and look at all three of them. The other girl smiles wider and steps closer.

"Oh dearie, we are her siblings, I'm Bea Joyful, and this grumpy one is Franny Joyful," She motions towards the blue girl. "And that is our brother Jonesy Joyful." She finishes and motions toward the tall green monster. They are rainbow monsters, They have some similarities to their sister. "I'm Y/N..." 

The tall one steps closer and his locks flow. "What were you doing in the forest this late and alone?" He tilts his head slightly. "Oh... I-I was heading home... From a stroll in the woods." You respond and notice Franny tense and look at you with wide eyes.

"Well I might as well make sure she makes it to her home tonight then, our cave might be big, but we don't know her." The blue one said turning to her sister. Bea looks at you, then back to her blue sister, and nods with a smile.

Franny pulls you up and walks you out of the cave you just realized you were in. A while into walking, she turns to you. "You were at Elis cabin, weren't you?" Her grip on you got tighter. You looked at her surprised. "Do you know them?" You respond to her. "Of course, I do!" They exclaim, walking towards the edge of the woods, you see some lights on in the neighborhood. Franny stops right before the forest ends, and turns to face you. "Eli and I may not be exclusive, but we have gone on some dates, I really like them, so please don't take them from me." You look at her surprised and smile at her gently. "You don't need to worry about me, there is someone else you should worry about tho." You tell her and land a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes widen again and she scoffs. 

You start walking towards your own home and look back, seeing that Franny is walking back to the cave they came from. Walking ahead with your head whipped back, you pump into a tall figure, you look at the figure and it's Frank. Their arms are crossed and they are in their pajamas. "Oh, hi Frank..." You give them an awkward smile and speak with a low tone. Frank tilts his head and looks behind you into the forest. 

"You met Julies sister I see." The grumpy puppet spoke. You slowly nod and Frank looks down at you. "You know you and Franny are both with a grumpy faces. Maybe that's why you're her sisters best friend?" You tell him with a smile. He shrugs. After some silence, he just leaves to his house and you go towards yours.

You notice a familiar shape sitting in your doorway, fiddling with his hands. You walk up to him and he looks up surprised. 

"I-I thought you were home..." Wally speaks as he stands up, he looks you up and down. You groan as you walk past him and open your door. "I was seeing Eli." You say to him and enter the house, he follows after you and closes the door. "But why were you there so late?" He looks at you while asking you the question. You sigh and go upstairs, he follows you like a puppy into your bedroom. You open your mostly empty closet and sigh again. "I really need some clothes..." You smell your hoodie and cringe. You take off your dirty hoodie and pants and look around the room. Wally just stands there, blushing and fiddling with his fingers. You throw your clothes in a pile in a corner and get into bed. 

Wally sits on the edge of your bed. "You know you didn't answer my question." He looks over at you. You turn the other way. "What did I do wrong?" He now sounded sad. You just stay there quietly. 'How do I tell him I'm pregnant...' You think. "Can... Can I at least sleep next to you tonight?" He asks. You still don't respond. He sighs and just lays next to you.

You had been staring at your wall for hours, once you hear soft snoring you peek over your shoulder at Wally. You smile sadly and turn yourself to face him. You cup his cheek. "Maybe we can soon be together, but let me process what is happening..." you whisper and place a gentle kiss on his cheek, and lean in to cuddle with him.

Step-Step-Step-Step. Clang-Clang. The sound of HIS knife pierces your ear as it falls onto the ground. You're curled up in a corner of a room and look up, to see a crying Rayn. A human Rayn. He drops onto his knees and pulls you into a tight hug, apologizing over and over again. Rayn had always wanted to have a family with you, he got angrier and angrier with each negative test result. Your mother had always tried to warn you about him, if he's like this with you now, things aren't going to get better with a child. Now you try to escape his embrace but he hits your back against the wall behind you. "DON'T TRY TO LEAVE ME!" He yells and picks up his knife again and slams it into your thigh.

You wake up with a gasp and look around panicked, finally relaxing once you notice Rayn is nowhere near you. You run a hand over your thigh with a sigh. "Just a dream..." You mumble. "Was it?" The familiar voice says from next to your bed. You freeze and slowly look over and see the grinning face of Rayn staring back at you. Rapidly blinking you exhale. "W-what are you doing here?" you ask, as you furrow your eyebrows at him. He climbs closer to you onto your bed, grabs your chin, and draws you closer. "why to see my darling." He says it to you, sliding his hand behind your head and pulling on your hair. You jerk your head back with a groan. He slowly chuckles and places a kiss on your neck. "So what's the deal with that Wally guy?" He asks you, making you face him, his face now serious. You gulp, not daring to answer. He gets angrier and shakes your head. "Answer me!" He commands. You still don't and he sighs. He pushes your head deep into your pillow, not letting you come up from it. You slowly lose consciousness and everything fades to black.

My after life is my love life (A Wally Darling x Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now