Chapter 2

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You wake up to the sound of knocking on the barn doors, and you yawn as you catch Poppy making her way to the door and opening it. There stands a short girl with big blonde hair.

You hear the ladies talk to each other, then the shorter one notices you and rushes past Poppy straight to you. She speaks loudly and shakes your hand. "Oh my gosh, HI! I didn't realize we actually do have a new neighbor, I thought they were joking when they were looking for you! I'm Julie! Julie Joyful!" She exclaims... joyfully. You introduce yourself to her as well. Poppy joins you two and she turns to Julie. "Julie dear, could you maybe show Y/N around the neighborhood? Let them get to know the area and the people." Julie gives her an apologetic smile. "I would love to, but I really can't, my siblings are coming for a visit soon, and you know how they are." Poppy nods and sighs. 

After a little while Julie leaves and you and Poppy are left alone once again, but not for long. Next to be at the door is a tall man with 2 sets of arms and legs, he smiles at Poppy and hands her the groceries he was carrying and Poppy gave him money in exchange. She Asks the man if he could do him a favor, she whispers to him and he nods and leaves.

Hours later comes another set of knocks and you think 'This big bird must be very popular here'. As Poppy opens the door you hear a familiar monotone voice greet her, you can't help but peek over at the door. It's a man with yellow skin and a sweet catlike smile. Poppy lets the man in and he sees you and smiles wider and waves at you. You blush slightly at his friendliness and wave back. 

"You must be Y/N," he starts. "I'm Wally Darling" he sits by you and you tense for a moment then nod and give him an awkward smile. He crosses his leg over the other and speaks in a cheery monotonous tone, "Our local shops keep Howdy asked me to show you around our lovely neighborhood and here I am to do so." He looks at you making eye contact. "Are you ready to leave?" You swallow and nod, unsure if you can trust him, but remember what Eli told you yesterday. He smiles wider and gets up, and so do you. He takes your hand in a friendly manner and skips through the barn doors with you, Poppy waves to you two and Wally starts taking you around.

After walking around and greeting the neighbors you hadn't met yet you two keep walking around for longer, still holding hands. While walking you trip and pull Wally down with you. You both burst out in laughter at how silly it is. When you turn to face him you turn red at how close your faces landed to each other. He looks at you with his adorable smile, he leans towards you as you blush deeper and look down at his lips. He asks, "Are you okay neighbor?" You stare at him, he looks confused, then gets up and brushes himself off and holds a hand out to you, and helps you up as you grab it. You're still red and you start apologizing and explaining that you're embarrassed. 

He chuckles, "Why are you embarrassed?" and asks. "I thought you were gonna kiss me..." You say as you cover your face with both your hands. His smile drops a little and his face turns a slight shade of orange.

After a while of walking in silence, Wally asks you, "So... Are you going to stay with someone while you live here, or would you be interested in moving to the abandoned house just outside the neighborhood?" You look at him and smile, ask him to show you the house and he does so.

He takes you to a two-story house that looks recently abandoned. You turn to Wally and ask him, "So why is this abandoned? It's in pretty good shape from the outside." He sighs and looks at you. "The old owners were old and they passed a week ago, sad to know they grew old together but didn't have any children." You nod and look at the house, slowly making your way to the front door and opening it, you're surprised when you find it open. Wally is behind you motioning you to go ahead. The house is covered in dust and needs a good cleaning or at least a dusting. Wally offers to help you clean the house and you nod to him smiling and whispering a thank you to him, which he smiles at brightly.

You start off cleaning up the kitchen and living areas, noticing there is also a small garage and a deck. In the downstairs bathroom is only a sink, toilet, and washing machine. Wally offers to clean that bathroom and asks you to go upstairs to start cleaning there. You nod at him and go up the U-shaped stairs. There are 4 doors you look at and sigh, opening a door, you enter a bigger bathroom with a bath, you smile and start cleaning that room. You didn't even notice when Wally was at the bathroom door leaning on it and watching you with a gentle smile. You get startled as you look at him and he laughs.

"Hey Wally, don't you think this house is a bit big for me to live in alone?" you ask him. Wally chuckles and leans closer to you smiling. "Maybe you'll fill this house, you're young and beautiful," he says and winks at you, and your face turns red. As you exit the bathroom, you notice he cleaned off the hall upstairs, you smile at him and praise him. He smiles at you.

You open another door and it leads to seemingly a master bedroom. Wally helps you clean it up and it takes longer than expected. You look out the window and back at Wally. "Wally, do you wanna stay the night here? It's really late already and it's quite a walk back to Home..." You slightly shiver at remembering that Wally lives in an alive building but smile. Wally looks into the window and then at you and nods with a smile. You smile back at him and motion him to the bed, he looks concerned. "Do you want to sleep in the same bed? I mean I won't mind..." he blushes slightly. You nod and smile at him. He goes to take off his cardigan and sets it neatly on the nightstand. You take off your hoodie and place it in the emptied-out closet and shut it. You wear a top and its smells like... him... you take a shaky breath. 'He even followed me down to here huh' you think. You look at Wally who seems to be looking at you, laying against the bedframe, you climb next to him.

You can't help but make small talk and joke with Wally and he ends up tickling you until you cry out for him to stop. You notice he had leaned down and you're between his arms and legs, you blush deeply, and he looks at you then looks down and realizes and he starts blushing as well. He starts looking at your lips and a quick sigh leaves your lips as you throw your arms behind his head and pull him down as you kiss him. Wally is surprised but leans into the kiss and starts to get quite passionate. 

He picks you up by your waist and flips you on his lap, still keeping your lips together. His hand starts wandering from your waist down to your top's edge and under it and it goes a little higher. Feeling and knowing what he's trying to do you push him down, breaking the kiss, both of you red as tomatoes. You bite your lip and get off him and sit next to him and cover your face with your hands, Wally sits up and looks at you. You mumble loud enough, "I've never actually been able to get out of a situation like this without being hurt..." Wally freezes. "Wh-what do you mean without being hurt?" You sigh deeply, take your hands away, letting your tears flow, you look at him and give him a sad smile.

He stares at you and a dark shadow crosses his eyes. He takes your hand in his and your shoulders tense, he notices and apologizes and removes his hand, and looks away.

After a while he chuckles, "You know Y/N, that was my first kiss." You look at him shocked and start apologizing. He shakes his head smiling, "It's okay, you really are the type of person I would be into like that." His smile and eyes look at you dreamingly. You blush and look away. "I-I think we should rest now!" You exclaim and go lay down towards the wall, facing it. Wally chuckles and lays down next to you, he drifts off to sleep. You try but don't manage to.

You turn around and face Wally, lean closer to him, and try to cuddle up to him. Then you manage to fall asleep and have a good night in a real bed.

My after life is my love life (A Wally Darling x Reader fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now