Chapter 2

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I could feel my heart race as I rose to panic. Were they still in the house? How did they get in?

I grabbed the home phone off my dresser, deciding that the safest place to hide was in the locked, bloody, bathroom where the intruder had tended to their wounds. I leaned against the tub, the curtain ruffled under the pressure of my body. With my hands shaking I typed and focussed on slowing my breathing.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Hi, someone broke into my home. I don't know if they are still here."

"Alright sweety, I want you to get somewhere safe, and tell me your name and wh..."

Her voice seemed to fade off as tears streamed down my face. All I could do is stare forward, completely still. Breathing. Someone was breathing right behind me. I could feel the curtain slowly being pulled back but I still froze. The eyes watching me were heavy. I could sense the radiation on my skin, it was chilling. I ever so slightly turned my head being met with blue eyes the size of saucers.

"P..Please.." I whispered.

The man let out a dark chuckle and tilted his head, mocking me. "P-Please? Please what, hmm?"

My brain sought to figure out what it was seeing, this man sort of looked like the shitty photoshopped image on that wiki fan page, yet horrifyingly separate; real. His face wasn't round but sharp, his jawline, cheekbones, and eyebrows all had a precise angle to them. At the start of his cheekbones laid the end of his smile, a very authentic smile. It was scarred over, morphing into a scab wound the closer to his mouth it got. Bits of skin opened up to release tiny drops of blood as he spoke. It was like parting the red sea. 

His hair was still intact and so was his skin, black as his soul and as white as the light towards the end of the hallway; I feared to be there soon. To be another victim. Yet I remained halted, my fear petrifying me as I fastened with his eyes. His most terrifying feature. On any other man a shade that blue with pupils that dark would have made me swoon. These didn't feel like eyes when I looked into them. His eyelids were missing flesh although not completely gone. The white of his eyes was surrounded by a bloodshot hue, they were irritated and murderous. Hungry.

I couldn't get any words out, the smell of him was awful, the look of him was something straight out of hell, but what he could do to me I wasn't able to imagine...

"Hello? Miss?" I could hear the operator ask concerned.

The pale-faced man suddenly lets go of the mocking attitude, instead, his face narrowed into one of true fright. He grabbed my phone from me, hanging up abruptly. I shot up from my spot and backed into the corner near the door. I aspired to run but I couldn't take my eyes off him as he lead slow, patient, strides towards me. It all seemed set up, practiced and played out, to make me fear him. And he seemed to love the fear that bleeds from my being-I didn't want to die today.

I unlocked and swung the door open as fast as I could. I made it to my bedroom door before hands latched in between the strands of my hair, pulling me back. My head was inclined to face his towering figure, my back against his stomach.

"Shh, shh, little one, it will all be alright soon," he placed a knife on the skin of my neck, "I'm gonna take good care of you, okay? You're gonna Go To Sleep..."

"No, please, please, no," I cried. He merely laughed.

"What is a pretty face like yours crying, hm? There is no reason to be afraid."

"I'll do anything-AH!"

The knife pushed into my skin further, causing me to scream.

"Ssshhhh, shhh.. I love the way you beg," he chuckled and then spun me around, throwing me on the bed, "but those tears will get you nowhere."

He laughed, crawling onto my bed, I began to fight back. I kicked and scream all I could but eventually, he had me pinned, knife raised high. There was a gleam in his eye, pure adrenaline, and enjoyment all because of my tears. Just as he seemed like he was about to strike he paused. I held my breath and watched him closely, in a split second he had jumped off of me and was out my window. I was too shocked to understand why. Seconds later my door was busted open.

"Police, Freeze!"

I raised my hands, still shaking.

"Oh my god," the young officer from before rushed to my side.

Paramedics came and took a look at me, I had luckily gotten away with only a few bruises and scratches. A warm blanket was placed around me as I gave my report to the detective sitting next to me on the couch.

"You're very lucky," he spoke up, "you're the one person out of all the victims whose gotten away completely fine. You should be thankful. Is there anything you need?"

"No, thank you," I spoke back. My mom came into view, practically tackling me then checking if I was okay, then tackled me again.

"Oh my god, my poor baby, are you hurt?"

"She's quite alright," the detective spoke up, "but do you mind if I have a word with you for a moment?"

"Sure," my mother's concern stricken face followed the man outside, after kissing my forehead one last time.

I sat on the couch, listening to their mumbled voices. The more I sat there and thought about it the more and more it didn't feel real. Everything went by so fast.

I made my way off the couch and towards my room. I peaked my head into where forensics was still checking out stuff. Walking closer to the bathroom caused my muscles to tense up, a part of me even felt like I was going to throw up. The blood was still there, the small crushed bullet that lay in the center of the floor was being placed in a clear bag by a pair of tweezers.

"Hey," my mom came up behind me, "they are going to leave soon. How about you lay down and watch some T.V. on the couch, I'll clean this up and make dinner. Okay?"

All I could do was nod my head and make my way back out of my room. It was on the couch that I wondered, if I'm still alive this isn't over. Not until I'm dead. My lip began to quiver at the possibility of him coming back.


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