Aizawa slammed his foot down on the gas and floored it to UA. "I got it. I'm expelling Bakugo when we get there if it's true. All of that information was withheld from his student files from Aldera junior high." Kirishima gawked at Aizawa and wanted to try to defend his friend but was slapped hard as fuck by Tsuyu's tongue. "No fucking defending that explosive piece of shit. You didn't see what we saw. That boy should be in UA but because of you he isn't. We will get Bakahoe to tell Aizawa every goddamn detail of the bullying. Then you will watch your boyfriend get arrested. Then if we ever meet that boy again you will beg on your hands and knees for his forgiveness. You need to take responsibility for the shit you and Ida caused. If he is a late bloomer as we suspect then he was misdiagnosed as a 4 year old and lives in pure hell. Your cousin is Quirkless. You know that they get abused in every manner under the sun and no one will defend them. So he lived a tortured life and his main tormentor was your boyfriend." Kirishima was almost in tears at the sheer rage the girls spat at him in waves that would put even the hero killers bloodlust to shame.

    He wanted to at the least say he wasn't dating Bakugo but was so terrified and ashamed at his actions he couldn't speak. Aizawa turned into the UA parking lot and damn near flew out of the door in a rage heading straight to Height's Alliance. Kirishima begrudgingly got out and walked there as the girls raced off at top speed. "We really fucked up Tenya." Was all he could say as he made his way to the dorms. Terrified at what could be happening there now.

    Aizawa raced through the doors and as soon as he found Bakugo he activated his quirk and capture scarf. "HEY WHAT THE FUCK SENSEI?!?" Bellowed the boom boom boy. Then looked to Aizawa who looked as if he wanted to murder him and he swallowed hard. "IZUKU MIDORIYA! DID YOU TRULY BULLY THAT BOY AND TELL HIM TO KILL HIMSELF?!" Roared the normally rational man. The rest of 1A looked on in fear. They barely even noticed Ochaco and Tsuyu entering with matching looks of fury. "Fuck yeah I did. That little Quirkless shit had no right trying to look down on me. He needed to know his fucking place and that he couldn't be a hero without a quirk. Thanks to shitty hair and glasses that fucker finally got out in his place. He was just a pebble on my path to greatness!" He said with sadistic glee while smiling with pride. Then he screamed in pain as the scarf tightened around him.

    "You're coming with me. Because that kid just saved the little girl and defeated Overhaul while even Mirio was beaten easily. Thanks to you Ida and Kirishima that kid is now in jail for saving lives and putting a stop to a villain who was torturing a little girl and using her blood to delete quirks." Aizawa said with eyes narrowed and teeth bared. Mina Ashido looked from them to Kirishima who just walked in head hung low in shame. She grit her teeth when he looked at her and nodded to answer her unasked question. The kids watched as Aizawa rushed out of the dorm and headed to Nezu's office with the captured Bakugo.

    Mina glared at Kirishima who refused to look her in the eyes. "I thought you said Bakugo never really bullied anyone? Did you and Ida really cause that kid to fail the exam Kirishima?" She asked with her fists clenched. Kirishima flinched at hearing her say his entire last name. She hasn't said it in years. Only ever called him Kiri. "Damn straight they did. Remember me telling you about the boy that tried to help me during the entrance exam? Those two fuckers bear hugged him and dragged him away. Causing him to go from a possible 70 rescue points to fucking zero total points!" Snarled Ochaco who had an aspiration to be a rescue hero. She was told by Midnight after she got into UA about the boys attempt and how every teacher was on the edge of their seats only to see him be pulled away.

    "Kirishima. All year long you have been making myself and Kaminari tag along with not just a bully but a fucking villain. No hero or hell even a halfway decent human fucking being tells another to fucking kill themselves or takes pride in tormenting them. I told your ass I hated the fucker but noooo you think he's manly or whatever. I stayed by you through all of it because I trusted your judgement but it seems you aren't as good a judge of character as I thought." Mina growled as acid bubbled off her clenched fists. The rest aside from Tsuyu and Ochaco watched in shock. Mina Ashido was the bubbliest nicest girl they knew who never had a mean bone in her body. Sure she was a love obsessed girl but she never got angry at anyone to this extent. She did get angry at that grape headed boy but even then not to this extreme.

    Kirishima nodded unable to speak. He felt only shame and guilt. From how the two girls spoke in the car that boy was something amazing. "You better steer clear of me for a long time Kirishima. Because if you don't you'll find you're not a perfect shield in the face of my acid." Said Mina seething with fury as she stormed off to her room with the rest of the 1A girls in tow. "God damn. I didn't know Ashido could get pissed at anyone like that." Said Kaminari blinking at the events that just took place. "I never thought it possible to think someone could make her that angry...You really fucked up." Said Hanta Sero looking to Kirishima who sighed and sat down on the couch with his costume case and bag in his lap. He looked to the boys and told them everything from the entrance exam and the raid. They were not pleased to hear it but they at least tried to understand his side of things about the boy but none cared to hear him defend Bakugo.

     Mina cried in her room as her best friend Toru Hagakure hugged her. The girls tried to calm her down as they knew she never wanted to hurt anyone. Not physically or emotionally. But they also knew what her views of bullies were. To find the guy she thought was a bully but still hung around him truly was one and one of the worst hurt her. Worse was the only reason she did was because Kirishima vouched for him. "We need to find a way to help this Midoriya. Or at the least meet with him." Said Momo Yaoyorozu the class representative. Ochaco, Tsuyu, and Kyoka Jiro all agreed with her. "Yeah. I never heard the kids name before but this isn't right. Pinky is never angry. Like ever. She may drive us batshit crazy but never does she get angry." Said Jiro as she frowned. She never did like Bakugo but she did doubt Kirishima when he would defend him. "If Bakugo really did everything he said to Midoriya then we really need to find him." The rest agreed as Hagakure kept trying to calm Mina down.

    Just then the intercom system crackled to life and Ochaco Uraraka and Tsuyu Asui were called to the office. They swallowed and made their way there. "What's this about you wonder?" Asked Ochaco. Tsuyu sighed and shrugged. They got to Nezu's door and were about to knock on it when they were told to enter. That didn't freak them right the fuck out at all. Nope. Not one bi...okay it fucking made their skin crawl. They stepped in and were met with a cuffed Bakugo and on the couch the green haired boy sat drinking tea with Nezu. "Thank you for coming here so fast you two. Let me introduce you to Izuku Midoriya. The successor of All Might." Said Nezu making the three teens jaws hit the floor. "Uhh H-Hi?" Was the only thing the boy said before all three teens passed out. "Uhh was it something I said?" He asked making Nezu cackled like a madman. "Ohhh this is going to be very fun indeed." Said a smiling Nezu who made Aizawa's spine shiver.

     This is the story of Izuku Midoriya and his rise to number one hero. From Quirkless hero nerd to the true inheritor of OFA. Hehe the next few chapters will be the story of his journey ever since failing the exam. Where he went. What all his life was like in that time. Enjoy.


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