"She hit yelena, how am I supposed to be calm about that? It wasn't just a little argument, she really hurt her." Natasha covered her ears she didn't want to hear about that. She loved yelena so much she hated to think she was hurting let alone that it was her fault. "Because you wouldn't let me explain what really happened, it wasn't Natasha's fault and even if it was yelling at her doesn't change anything that happened."

"Yelena wants you both, I fixed her up, nothings broken it was just a bloody nose, cut lip and a black eye. She's almost back to her normal self." Maria said quietly, with a reassuring smile. "I can take Natasha if you want while you go see her."

"Baby, do you want to go see yelena with me and mommy or stay with Maria?" Natasha looked at Wanda then Maria before reaching out for her. Wanda was a little hurt but she didn't show it. "Hey sweetheart." Maria smiled, taking her. "Let's go watch a movie with carol hm?"


"You need to calm down, you scared yelena when you got angry and stormed out earlier and she doesn't need that right now. And you hurt Nat." Wanda nodded taking a few breaths, "I know, I am it's just hard seeing her like that." Y/n agreed, walking into the room with Wanda close behind.

"Hey detka, can we join you?" Wanda asked earning a nod from the blonde, she didn't even look away from the screen, she rarely did when it came to her favourite movie. "Is natty okays?"

"Yes she is okay baby she's just sad she hurt you. Are you okay?" Yelena nodded. "I got medicine it was yucky but it no hurt now." She paused and it looked like she was going to say something else so the two waited for a moment noticing something in yelenas behaviour shift.

"I just feel bad for making Nat mad." The blonde frowned, playing with her fingers, she didn't know what happened but she hated that she upset Natasha so much and she wished she could take it back. "She wasn't mad at you lena, she had a flashback, she saw someone else, she was fighting them not you. None of this was your fault okay?" Wanda's face fell, that had explained it.

"You should get some rest bubba. If you want we can stay with you." Yelena nodded cuddling up under the covers, she soon fell asleep as did y/n. There was only one who couldn't sleep so she went to find Natasha.

"Hey Maria, where's Natasha?" She asked stopping to take a breath. "She doesn't want to see you Wanda."

"Yes she does, I'm her mommy. Please Maria, I need to check on her." The brunette shook her head, crossing her arms. "You're not going near her Wanda, you really upset her. She trusted you. She wouldn't stop crying after you and y/n left."

"I didn't know. I didn't mean to hurt her." Wanda's eyes were becoming teary as she was getting more and more desperate. "You didn't care enough to find out. We tried to tell you and you ignored it. You even ignored y/n, why would you ask to be part of their family if you don't even trust anyone in it. Some fiancee you are." Maria scoffed, walking away and taking carol with her.

"Maria." Carol stopped and looked at her. "No." Maria tried to pull her away but the blonde stood her ground. "fine. She's in carol's room but if you hurt her again I will kill you. And if she tells you to go you better listen to her."

"I will, thank you! Thanks carol." Wanda smiled, wiping her eyes andd running to find the russian. When she walked in Natasha was asleep in... a crib?

She knew Natasha was very young and the caregivers had talked about getting a crib for her but she never thought Nat would actually use one. She looked so cute, though Wanda could tell she had been crying, her pacifier had fallen out of her mouth and she was clinging to her teddy like her life depended it. The sight broke her heart. "I'm sorry babygirl."

She decided to get some sleep and check back on her in the morning, she found Nat in the kitchen drinking coffee. As soon as they saw each other Natasha left. Wanda followed her but the russian turned back.

"Go away Maximoff." Natasha snapped, "I never should've let you be my caregiver, you ruined everything. I wish you blipped instead of the others."

"You don't mean that, please Nat I'm sorry." The russian shook her head. "It's all your fault, you're the reason Pietro got hurt. You were the one that agreed to look after yelena. You left us alone yesterday and it's your fault that yelena got hurt. I couldve told you I was feeling bad and I wouldnt have had a flashback but I did and all becasue you wanted to have a stupid dinner without even telling us you were going till ten minutes before. And it's your fault I got put in that stupid crib. You know I don't like being little around other people but you left me and you lied to me, you said you wouldn't hurt me and yell at me and you did. I HATE YOU!"

Wanda didn't say anything but just walked off with tears in her eyes. Natasha stormed off the other way, ignoring everyone she passed.

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