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A few weeks after the Hyogo trip
(School has started again
During last period

Currently, the girls were in science class learning about protein. Ren was actually interested. Usually, she wouldn't care about what was going on in science, but for some reason, she enjoyed this lesson.

Suddenly, the bell rang. Ren was packing her belongings as Riku approached her. "You really seemed to enjoy that lesson, Rennie" she teased.

"Yeah. And what about it? I've been going to the gym lately, and I'm trying to up my muscles game. This lesson was actually helping me with that" She explained as she got up.

"Cool. Why do you wanna up your muscles game? Are you trying to beat someone up?" Riku asked, mostly joking. "Yeah" Ren replied sternly.

"Wait for real? I was only joking, lol. Who do you wanna beat up so bad?" She asked as the two walked out of the class. "I'm not sure exactly, but recently, someone's been following me home after school. And I'm trying to be safe, y'a know" she explained with a little bit of concern.

"What the hell?! If you want, I'll beat his ass for you! No one follows my best friend and gets away from it!" She shouted. "No Riku. This is a serious matter, I don't want you to get involved and get hurt. Let's change the topic" the brunette replied.

"So then, we've got to meet up with the club, there's a tournament coming up, y'a know" Ren announced. "Yeah, I heard" Riku replied. "We'll definitely win"

After club activities

"I'm gonna head home now, Riku. I'll see you tomorrow" Ren announced. "What, let me come with you!" Riku replied.

"Why? Aren't you going to see the rest of Semi's practice?" The brunette asked. "Oh yeah... how about you come with me, you can see Tendo-kun" the blonde teased.

"Alright, fine." The girl sighed. "Yay!" Riku celebrated as she grabbed Ren's hand and began dragging her to the gymnasium.

As they arrived, they stood near the door so that they didn't interfere with anything. Riku spotted Semi and waved at him, him then doing the same.

Ren noticed Tendo playing, and she was really impressed. In fact, she was impressed with the entire team, especially Ushijima, since he was a lefty like her.

"They really are amazing. I hear they're on par with many strong college teams" Riku explained. "Wow" Ren admired as she watched each player's style.

After the practice ended, Semi approached Riku. "Sup, Riku, Hey Uka-" He started but was cut off. "Don't use her last name out loud!" Riku explained as Ren looked away in embarrassment.

"Oh. My bad, Ren" He replied apologetically. "It's good" She replied with a thumbs up. "So Riku, I'm gonna go change. I'll be back in a sec" He explained as he pat Riku's head and walked away.

"Is it fine if I go now, I should be heading home?" Ren asked. "Nonsense, Eita and I will walk you" Riku replied.

A few minutes later, Semi came back, Tendo behind him. "So Tendo's gonna come over for a while, if that's cool" He said. "Yeah, it's totally fine, come on let's go, I wanna walk Rennie home" She explained.

"Ok, let's go then" Semi replied as the small group began walking out of the school. As they made their way to their homes, Riku and Ren were in the front while the boys walked behind them.

Riku kept looking around to see if anyone was following them, Ren noticed her strange behavior and realized what she was up to.

"Riku, I told you not to get involved." She said sternly, not wanting her friend to get hurt. "Don't worry Rennie, I'm not going to do anything stupid" The blonde replied as she put her hand on Ren's shoulder.

"Dummy" the brunette sighed as she noticed they had arrived to the store. "Here's my stop" Ren said as she went in and waved goodbye to Riku.

"Bye, Rennie!" The blonde waved back. "She lives in a convenient store?" Tendo asked, dumbfounded, not getting a reply.

As Ren was about to change her clothes, she Riku's phone in her pocket. She must have forgotten to return to her when she was taking selfies on it.

Her first instinct was to call her, but then she realized that was a dumb idea. "They probably haven't gotten that far, I'll just run to her" she muttered to herself.

She put on her shoes and quickly went back outside. As she was about to make her way, she noticed a hooded figure watching her.

Ren looked at him, scared and confused. It was the guy who'd been following her. He began slowly walking up to her.

She started looking around for an escape route but stayed in her place when she noticed the gun in his hand.


//𝐶𝑂𝐴𝐶𝐻 𝑈𝐾𝐴𝐼 𝐻𝐴𝑆 𝐴 𝑆𝐼𝑆𝑇𝐸𝑅?!?!//Where stories live. Discover now