Watching videos of avengers

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Natasha romanoff doctor strange announced the first video we will watch everyone began to talk . until dumbledore yelled silence, like the drama king he is.

She's a monster molly dramatically gasped, getting a cold calculating look from Tom and his deatheaters. She's a savour Nats soulmate snapped back and I'll kill anyone who siads different, he then flipped his head a looked at Nat smirking ever so slightly. I'm sorry who are you?? She asked confused. Tom flushed scarlet and turned away.anywayyy strange continued tony stark next.

You made that suit yourself a shocked ravenclow asked, I did indeed tony siad obviously smug. Thor odisan

You really are the god of thunder everyone gasped. INDEED I AM DEAR BOY thor voice boomed In the room. Clint Barton

I want to be like you a random student gushed, you can with practice Clint replied morning through night no break or food, it was safe to say the student didn't look at Clint again after this. Wanda and pietro maximoff

Wanda held Pietros hand tighter afraid if she let go he'd disappear, peitro squeezed her hand in comfort, to remind his twin he was there.

Thor looked at his little brother sadly feeling that his little brother thought like that. Loki on his part started yelling keep looking at me like that you ants I dare you. And now hulk or Bruce banner

Molly and Lilly we're about to speak but Nat bet them to it, speak I dare you and I'll slowly torture you, I'll show you something worse than that crap crucio curse you have she snapped Coldly taking out a knife, making both red heads gulp. And now the avengers

What are you dumblewhore asked, looking at the heroes. His grey eyes narrowing slightly.

I thought the video explaind tony sighed. Then in the matter of seconds tony began to rant about how smart he was  was while the other avengers just rolled there eyes.

Oh shut up! Loki snapped, we get it your heroes.

Brother stop Thor said trying to keep up his happy image, while staring at his brother.

Worried incase a fight happed Minnie suggested they take a break, which everyone agreed to.

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