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Colby pov

I sat on the couch with a large group of people. Jake, Corey, Tara, Devyn, and a few others I didn't completely know. The movie was playing. It was a horror comedy. More comedy, but that doesn't matter. I wasn't even watching. Most of us weren't. We were talking to each other.

A bit has happened over the last few days. Sam is going to jail for life. Kat has announced that she is taking a break from social media and spending some time for herself. She didn't want to be hated for dating a murderer in her past. The only odd thing that has happened in the past few days is that I had a dream. Well- more of a nightmare.

But in my dream I was staring into a mirror. Until I became Sam. Then I said some creepy-ass things. I remember a few of them. One was like, "he can't be stopped." And another, "Death is the most common factor." It was kind of like Sam was talking through a spirit box. It also said, "Emily." Then she appeared in the mirror behind me. I looked behind me. Looked back at the mirror and I was bleeding out my eyes. And I woke up. It wasn't like a panic attack due to waking up with dreams. Just a little scared. I hadn't had any other nightmares.

I couldn't honestly say how I was exactly feeling. It was a rough ton of feelings. I've been trying to stay positive and trying to work hard but I seem to keep getting overtaken by a sense of guilt, anger, depression, and hopelessness. I don't know what the future is gonna bring. I'm so unsure of what's gonna happen that I struggle sleeping every night ever since I left that police station. But I was just gonna be here. Since people wanted me to. 

Sam pov

I sat in the back of a large car truck thing. I didn't know what. But they didn't want me to leave. I sat down on a bench connected to the wall. My feet were chained connected to the wall. My arms chained behind me. And a large chain that went around my neck. Connecting into the wall. I was being controlled again. Just like an animal. They needed to stop treating me like a Goddamn animal. They needed to respect me. All of these stupid assholes. I shook the chains a little. It took a lot of power to move it even a little bit.

"Stop moving it." A guard next to me said.

Stop. Stop treating me like an animal. Like a goddamn animal. I wanted to be free before I went to prison anyways. I chuckled a little.

"Be quiet." The guard said.

I grinned. "Or what." I said. He turned and looked at me. I looked directly at him with a grin. He smacked me right in the side of my face. "Ow." I said to myself. I grimaced in pain. It definitely hurt. It affected my jaw. It had to keep moving until I heard a few pops. Then it felt a bit better.

"That's what." He said. Then he went back to standing where he was before.

"Fuck you." I said loudly. The guard came over to me. We again made eye contact before I was greeted with a punch right to my nose. I jolted back, causing the chain to rattle. My back was against the wall and my head was dangling down. Like I was passed. My nose was definitely broken. It was bleeding and there was nothing I could do about it. I felt him grab my hair, lift up my head, and look at me. My eyes were barely squinted open. But I just let him mess with my head. He threw it and walked away.

"Dickwad." I heard him say. My head was throbbing. It didn't hurt. It was more of a 'I just noticed it' feeling.

I waited a few minutes to talk again.

"Look I made a mistake." I said. The same guard walked over to me and we made eye contact again.

"And now you're going somewhere you deserve to be." He said. He grabbed my hair to get a reaction out of me. But I didn't wince.

I smiled at him. Then said, "Let me out."

He smiled a fake smile. Then I felt a hard punch in my gut. He let go of my head and gasped for air. He walked away from me. I took my time to regain my breath. Then said again. "Let me out or you will die." In a very calm voice.

The guard ignored me. "You all will die." I said. He still ignored me. "Okay," I said, "say hello to God for me." I smiled. I looked at him. I could see his face. He actually looked a little bit nervous. I chuckled a little bit. "I'm sorry Emily." I said. I shut my eyes.

The sound of the brakes on the car were heard. Then everything went to hell. I sat there calmly.

The left side of the car smashed. The guard went flying into the sidewall of the car with 2 others. But I stayed locked into the side. The car flipped. In the air I felt several rocks hit me. I felt my leg and neck restraint get loose. Which left my hand restraints still connected. I hung from my hands for a few seconds when the cuffs broke from the bench. I had no restraints other than on my arms. Two cuffs with one chain hanging from it. There was fire everywhere and shattered glass. Many things scattered everywhere. Almost everything is on fire.

Where was a sharp object- I looked around and found a sharp piece of glass on the ground. I went over to the guard who had punched me a few times. He was still breathing. I got on top of him, gripped the piece of glass between both of my hands. Then stabbed him directly in the face 4 times. Then stabbed it directly in the middle of his stomach, twisted it, and took it out.

I sighed. I felt his neck. No pulse. I could barely touch his neck with how much blood was dripping everywhere. I stood up off of him. I didn't have the patience to do it, everyone. Even though they deserved it. So I salvaged a lighter out of the many things on the ground. And lit every other person on fire. One woke up. But he couldn't do anything. I just heard his piercing screams. It made me smile.

I kicked the back door of the car. Both sides fell off immediately. The smile left my face. I was tired. I needed somewhere to go. I walk out. We crashed on a bridge. It was just over a small river. So nothing bad.

I walked on the street, blood on my hands and my hair, cuffs on my arms, blood down my nose, and me...on my own.

I smiled, walking away with my hurt body, the blazing fire cackling behind me.

So many people are going to die

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