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The doors opened and I walked in , my eyes landed on mehmeds back who was waiting for the doors to be closed again

As soon as the doors were closed mehmed came towards me looking like the happiest man ever in the world

Mehmeds perspective

I turned around to see Blair looking like an absolute goddess under that vail, she was mine, only mine

Her heart
the most precious thing for me to win

I walked towards her and took her red vail of and just like that my breath got stuck

" you look splendid" I said placing a soft kiss on her forehead

" oh so you're saying I don't look splendid normally" she said making us both laugh

" it's our wedding night and you're already turning into a possessive wife" I said

But I held her waist and caressed her face

" believe me when I say you're heart is most precious thing that I've conquered, no matter what someone says just remember Blair, my precious" I said and she wrapped her hands around my neck as I held her closer our noses almost touching

" looking at you right now, it's like looking at my world, like looking at my life, you're the reason for me being alive" I said

Blair running her hand around my hair and said

" Mehmed, you are the most precious one for me, and always will be till my death, I love you, and whenever you go on war from now on remember there's you're wife waiting for you to come back" she said

I leaned in, snuggling my face in her neck

" oh god you're scent, I'm addicted to this, an addiction I don't want to let go off" I said  that made Blair take a deep breath

" god Mehmed" she whispered

I sat down on my bed making blair sit on my lap and leaned in

"May I?" I still asked because i needed to see her consent

" do it honey" she said

We both kissed, our lips modding perfectly and at that time nothing else mattered in the world then our tongues now fighting for dominance

We broke the kiss and kissed again

" oh god Blair, you make this slave so crazy in you're love" I said

Blair pushed me on the bed softly and hovered above me

We both stared at each other with love

" what, do I look that beautiful over you" blair said innocently yet so bad

" god, blair, seeing you over me makes me crazy enough, but you under me" I said switching positions in a matter of seconds

" would awake a beast who would destroy you in the most beautiful way" I said making

" honey, how are you even doing this" she said

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