✿ | {Chapter 2} | ✿

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Y/N turned around and took their phone out of their pocket.

"Huh...?" Y/N slowly began reading the message.

"What do they mean by..." Y/N slowly turned around.

"Boo! BAHAHAHA" The appearance of this never before seen person frightened me. The wore a green sweater with a thick yellow stripe painted on it in their hands they held a phone, and in the other a knife.

Their brunette hair reached their shoulders and their red eyes seemed to be piercing into Y/N's soul as they laughed as hysterically as if someone told the funniest joke in the world.

After they calmed down they sat down of Your bed.

"I'm Chara." They explained blandly still smiling.

"Hi?" Y/N felt too confused and overwhelmed to even talk back.

"Isn't that cute... Too Overwhelmed huh? Long story short. You're determination brought me here" They pulled Y/N down beside Them forcefully. - "Don't know what Determination is, hm?"

Y/N shaking their head, sat there completely dumbfounded of this sudden change of events suddenly another message popped up on Y/N's Phone...

Chara Dreemur

Determination is basically your will.

It's what brought me to you as I said earlier.

The Rest was explaining the purpose of Determination and what had gotten them to me earlier. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I quickly stuffed Chara under the bed as Y/N's Adoptive mother Undyne entered the room.

"Hey kid. What's gotten into you lately?" She asked looking worried for the first time in her life.

"Me!? Oh- I-i'm fine Mom! R-Really!" I said stuttering waiting for approval. I could hear Chara trying to hold in their laughter. Luckily, Undyne didn't notice Chara's giggles. She seemed too worried for Y/N's well being.

"Hey. I didn't take you in here for you to pretend to be okay. It was your own good I found you there in Temmie Village!"

"Mom! I liked Temmie Village!" They huffed looking at Undyne.

"As I said too you before. You're a human and you're deadly allergic to Temmies" Undyne seemed to have a point. Although Temmies look cute, humans are extremely allergic to them.

Y/N glared down at the floor. They seemed to be upset. Undyne looked between a look of concern and being annoyed at the same time. Undyne was very prone to anger issues so Y/N was not the best match for them. Nonetheless Undyne would do anything to protect them. She sighed and spoke yet again -

"Y/N... Have you you ever wondered why I didn't kill you that day." Undyne was about to tell Y/N this!? Y/N, all of this time had bugged Undyne about this question and every time she had Refused to answer. Y/N Nodded in curiosity and excitement. -

"Well... To put It short. It was my loneliness and you're power to be to be too dumb for your own good." Undyne said this in a sarcastic joke manner. Undyne explained -

"Remember that time when you would refuse to fight me and... constantly kept hugging me." Undyne sighed realizing how dumb she was in the past. Her face read: "I regret Nothing and Everything at the same time."

Chara couldn't keep it in any longer and Laughter burst around the room. Undyne Shocked for a second, then, As if by magic, a bright blue neon spear appeared in her hand.

"WHO'S THERE! I WARN YOU, IM ARMED!!" Undyne screeched. Chara seemed to be laughing even harder.

"*Gasp* I-I'm *Gasp* So... sorry *Gasp* BAHAHAHAHA" It sounded like Chara was on the brink of Crying from laughing this much.

Chara came out hands in the air but the fact they couldn't stop laughing was remarkable.

"Caught me, Fish lady" Chara giggled kicking their feet.

As if out of nowhere Undyne grabbed Chara and pinned them to the wall. - "Don't you 'fish lady' me!" Undyne seemed really angry at this point.

Having A Spear to Chara's throat, Y/N panicked. - "*clears throat* Please don't hurt them mom!"

Undyne dropped Chara. - "You know this Freak?!"

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