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It has been about 3 Months since Riley performed at the Waterhole and the bond between Riley and Brennan is getting very strong so is the bond between Riley and Sonia. Riley has changed jobs she no longer works at Harold's she now works at the gym with Brad and she has also started going back to school and she has also bonded very well with Amber, she really wants to tell the Turners and the Willis families who she truly is but she knows that its not the best time, she also gets on very well with Karl and Susan and much her surprise she has formed a great friendship with Therese. Baby Lily is thriving and she does spend some time in daycare when Riley is at school or work and she does love spending time with Mark and Sonia who have both grown to adore baby Lily but Paige has taken an interest in Mark which could cause some trouble between the sisters.

Saturday Morning

Brennan household

Riley has the morning of work and she is doing some school work while Lily is taking a nap, Mark has gone for his morning run but he has been gone for longer then normal, but then she hears the door and closes and Mark walks but Paige is with him

Riley: Hey I was starting to wonder where you were(she sees Paige) Oh hey

Paige: Hey I ran into Mark on my run

Brennan: Yeah where is Lily?

Riley: Taking her nap but she

before Riley can finish Lily starts to cry

Riley: Right on time

Riley goes into her room and picks her daughter from her crib the second that Lily is in her Mother's arms she stops crying

Riley: Hey baby

Riley heads into the living room where she sees Mark and Paige laughing

Riley: Hey so Lily and I are going to go see Sonia okay but if you need me to move my books I can do that

Mark: No its okay I can put them back in your room for you

Riley: Okay I will just get this little one changed

She goes back into the bedroom and quickly changes baby Lily into her outfit for the day and then Riley leaves the room

Riley: Okay bye guys

Riley leaves the Brennan house and makes her way to Sonia and Toadie's house

Toadie and Sonia's house

Sonia answers the door and she smiles when she sees Riley with Baby Lily

Sonia: Hey come in

Riley walks in

Riley: Sorry to just drop by but Paige is at my place flirting with Mark and its very hard to watch

Sonia: Oh do you like Mark?

Riley: I think I really do I mean he has been so good to me and Lily since we arrived and he is so good with Lily and I guess at some point I guess I fell for him which I know is crazy because I have only known him for what 2 months no three months

Sonia: Riley its okay if something is going to happen with you and Mark I say go for it I mean you have helped him so much ever since you arrived and it is clear that he adores Lily

Riley: I know she has this special smile just for him its strange

Sonia: I think its sweet

Lily: There is another reason I came by, I am thinking about arranging a christening for Lily I was hoping that and please feel free to say no but I wanted to ask you and Jarrod if you would consider being Lily's godparents or two of them I know you think I should ask Paige but I wanted to pick people outside of the family and you two have become my best friends

NEIGHBOURS RILEY SMITHTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang