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This is just a filler Episode

Riley and Paige try to repair their relationship after the right that they had.

It has been a couple of days since Riley and Paige had their fight and they are spending the day shopping together, Riley has asked Karl and Susan to look after Lily because she wants her daughter to bond with all her godparents or at the moment the people who are going to be her daughter's godparents.

Riley is getting herself and her daughter ready for their day, when Sonia walks into the room with Nell

Sonia: Morning guys, where are you two going today?

Riley: Well I am spending sometime with Paige and Miss Lily here is spending sometime with Karl and Susan then I have to work the evening shift at the hospital but Mark has asked if he can spend time with Lily so she is spending the night with Auntie Paige and Uncle Mark

Sonia: Are things any better with you and Paige?

Riley: Not really that is why we are spending time together just us

Sonia: I can understand that sisters fight I mean I fight with my sister

Riley: I know that she is mad about the adoption but I want to go up to Brad or Lauren and hey those two daughters you are looking for, well they are right here

Sonia: Do you think that she is planning something?

Riley: I honestly don't know I hope not. I mean yeah they are our parents but they are happy with Matt and Therese and I like both of them, I don't want to see then get hurt or my brother's and sisters.

Sonia: Well I for one am honoured that told such a bit secret

Riley: Sonia of course you are my best friend well you and Jarrod of course but since we moved here you guys have been anytime me and Lily have needed you both and I hope you know that if you guys need us

Sonia: Yes I do know that and you guys are becoming family to us

Riley: So I am almost done with the arrangements for Lily's christening but I am hoping that Paige either tells Brad and Lauren the truth or they figure it out before that

Sonia: I get it well hopefully they will

Riley: I have to go, I will see you later

Riley grabs Lily's baby bag and picks up Lily then they leave the house, soon after she arrives at Karl and Susan's place where Susan answers the door

Susan: Well good morning you two come in

Riley walks in with Lily

Riley: Well she has been fed but there is bottles and some jars of baby food in her bag along with some diapers her teddy bear that looks like a Christmas hear that was mine when I was a baby she cannot call asleep without it

Susan: I think that's very sweet, the fact that she has something of yours.

Riley: Both me and Paige have one it's the only thing we have from our birth mother

Susan: Well maybe one day you will find her

Riley: I hope so okay here you go

She hands a smiling Lily to Susan

Riley: So Mark is going to pick her up later I have a late shift at the hospital

Susan: Okay

Riley: Thank you for doing this

Susan: No problem

Riley: Hey sweetie Mommy will see you later

She leaves the house and soon after she arrives at the Brennan household, where she knocks the door and an upset Paige answers the door

Riley: Hey what's wrong?

Paige: Mark ended things with me, he said he just wanted to be friends for now

Riley: Well for now is good there is still hope, you can try again at some point

Paige: I don't think so

Riley: Well be is an idiot and he will see that but let's to shopping it always cheers us up right

Paige: Yes it does and lunch

Riley: Yes of course lunch

Paige: Let's go

Together the two sisters leave the house, they don't see Lauren watching them leave the house and laughing together

Hours later

Riley and Paige have just arrived home, they have shopped had lunch and patched up their relationship and they now okay

Riley: I have to go, I have a shift at the hospital, are you okay to have Lily?

Paige: of course I am looking forward to having my Niece overnight

Riley: Okay Mark asked to pick her up Karl and Susan

Paige: Okay I am really sorry for going after Mark when I knew you liked him

Riley: Paige it's okay no guy is going to come between us we are sisters we are twins we are going to fight over guys but our bond is stronger then anything

Paige: How do we tell Brad and Lauren who were are?

Riley: I have no idea

Paige: I did hear that Lauren's mother is coming to town I think she is arrives tomorrow so maybe we can find out more about the adoption?

Riley: Good idea okay I have to get to work. Call me if there are any problems with Lily, which I know that there won't be

Paige: I know

Riley: Are really okay about you and Mark breaking up and going back to being friends?

Paige: Yes I think honestly it was never going to last for very long and I think he wants someone who wants all the same things that he does, I mean he wants a family and to get married and I am so bot ready for that at all

Riley: Well not yet but people who are meant to be together always find their way in the end

Paige: Want to meet for breakfast in the morning?

Riley: Yes I will see you Lily and maybe Mark in the morning?

Paige: Well we are friends so yes I will ask him if he wants to come

Riley: Okay bye

Riley leaves the house with a smile on her face and inside the house Paige has a smile on her face too knowing that she and her twin sister are on the way to repairing their strained relationship and they both know that they are going to be okay in the end.


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