chapter two

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as i sat reading through the script i was sent for the audition, my brain looking over every word. the character i was auditioning for was narah , and it  meant i had to have an onscreen relationship with the one and only walker scobell! that was a nerve-racking thought, because like its walker scobell. and to be fair I knew i had no chance at the character but i didn't stop me from daydreaming about what would happen if i did get the part. well he's a really good actor, and the more i look at his photos i start to realise he's kinda cute..

then my little sister miranda bursts into my room disturbing my thoughts and says something about how mom wants me and how i'm in so much trouble and she goes on and on about it. I head downstairs to see my mom leaning on the counter reading a magazine about god knows what. "hey mom, miranda said you wanted me?" she looks up at me and to my surprise she's smiling. i internally take a huge sigh of relief and she starts talking about something. i feel her eyes on me so I put my attention back on her, with just enough time to hear her say "we're leaving for LA in the morning, so can you grab some enough clothes for a three day trip!?" i sat there very confused and frozen for a second before i regain my brain and jump up and hug her and then by brain clicks into gear.

"wait LA, the audition is in LA!"


"chris, you have to let me go we will see each other again, i'm sure of it". narah says to him as he looks at her, broken. he didn't protest or cry, he just hugged her and said "well i hope that soon comes sooner".

i had read this particular section about a million times, wondering if they would bring in walker for the audition to see his chemistry with the people that try out. silently i hoped they would. 


as i slowly packed my bag it dawned on me how real this was. i was auditioning for the adam project. me. thats not real. i keep trying to gaslight myself into believing  its not real, but it is. when i finally finished packing, i sat down on my bed just trying not to think about how tomorrow i would be taking a plane to LA and the next day i would be auditioning for a movie. A FREAKING MOVIE. 

i was so close to nodding off to sleep when miranda came running to my room, when she should be asleep, and dropped a packet of mini m&m's on my bed and ran out again. before i sat up i wondered if there was ulterior motive to this but i didn't think there was. so i sat up and grabbed the packet, i turned it over and there was a note on there from miranda. it read 'good luck in LA hal, i love you and you'll one hundred million billion percent get the role. i love you, love the better mathhews.

i woke up that next morning to an alarm. it was still very dark out so i turned on my light and started to get ready to leave whenever mom was ready. i was so ridiculously scared for the next few days but you know what. HALI MATHHEWS IS GUNNA CRUSH THIS- affirmations for the win go me!


when mom was finally ready we hopped in the car and drove to the airport, which thankfully was only ten minutes away from home. we got there two hours early. two whole hours. i did use that time to go over my script a few times, and then mom told me to go grab something to eat. after walking around for a while and not seeing anything that ticked my fancy, i found a cafe that had a grilled cheese and tomato sandwich, which was my personal favourite food. so I grabbed that for me and a latte for my mom.

i was about halfway back to the gate where mom was waiting for me when i ran into someone. thankfully i didn't spill moms coffee or drop my toastie, but as i looked up to apologise the person i saw in-front of me was none other than walker freaking scobell. "i'm so sorry, let me help you" he said looking really embarrassed. damn he was really cute when he was embarrassed. wait no hal focus on the moment on hand. "oh its fine" i said with a smile "at least i didn't spill the coffee!" he still looked really embarrassed and apologised again and told me he was going to "walk you back to wherever you're going as an apology". 


AN-  858 words!!

hey my very small amount of readers! I'm probably going to get as much done today as I can, so maybe one or two more chapters? also if there is anything you guys wanna see in this story please let me know!!

lots of love, stvr <3

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