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I woke up to screaming noises from the living room. Our house has thin walls you can hear everything.

"Dad stop!" I hear Jj yelling, then I hear a huge noise like if one of them fell.
"I can't with this..." I mumble as get out of the bed. I open the door and see my father on top of my brother. They both slap and beat each other.
"Stop!" I cry out as my dad starts to choke him, I run to them and pull him away from Jj.
That's when he slaps me. "You stay out of this!" screams my father at me before giving me another slap, "don't !" yells Jj as he gets up and punches him. "Seriously stop it, both of you!" I exclaim and they both look at me, I carefully touch my cheek where he hit me and then roll my eyes. And just like that the fight is forgotten, they both get away from each other.

"I don't even want to know what is this fight about" I add and grab milk from the fridge to eat with my cereal. "Whatever, I have to go. I hope all of my shit is here when I come back" Luke barked and slammed the door.

"Are you okay?" asks Jj as I sit on the couch to eat my breakfast. "It's fine, are you alright?" "don't worry" he scoffs but I can see the marks of Luke's hands on his neck. The blood on his face.
I hate it, but I got used to it and as much as I tried. I can't do anything about it.

I check the paper next to me where was everything we needed to buy before dad comes home. It was mostly drugs and alcohol.

"Want one?" Jj handed me a beer. "Seriously?" I sign and get up, "I'll go to Barry's for dads stuff" "yeah sure, decline a beer and forget the fun- do your thing" "If I don't go for dads drugs now you won't do it and then what huh? He comes back home sees his things aren't here and he'll beat the shit out of us again" I said loudly than I meant to and got up.
"Sorry...meet us at the Chateau later?" he asks, "sure!" I slam the door of my room and put shorts and a t-shirt on.

"See you later" I go out and grab my bike.
The way to Barry's is something I know by heart now. Like counting to ten or shit like that. My father drinks and does drugs for long as I can remember, I mean it definitely got worse when mum died. But that was such a long time ago I barely remember what was before she died.

"Jules!" Yells Barry at me as soon as I arrive in front of his house.
"Smells nice" I grin sarcastically at him as we approach the trailer and smell the smoke from all the guys sitting around and smoking.
"Are you having like a party here or what?" I ask as we go in and I spot more drunks and junkies.

"Kind of, want to join baby girl" he smirks and grabs a bag from under his bed. "I'll pass" I smile and he chuckles, "here's for your da-" "Barry!" a voice interrupts us. I turn around and see the one and only, Rafe Cameron. What is this guy doing here. Figure 8 isn't across the corner.

"Country club, i'm in the middle of something right now" says Barry and taps on his shoulder. Rafe looks like he just ran the marathon, he's barely breathing, his bangs are all wet and in his face. "Barry come on..." he mumbled struggling to talk.
"Can't you just wait a minute! It's not all about Mr.Kook" I finally say and roll my eyes. "Oh she's here" he scoffs and runs his hand through his face after barely making eye contact with me.
"Look country club, just wait a second" Barry pushes him out of the room and closes the door, "anyway... I was saying, here's your fathers order Jules," he hands me plastic bag with coke in it.
"Thanks, here" I give him the money and walk out of the room. Of course I bump into Rafe. The hallway in this shitty trailer is smaller than anything.
"You again" he smirks, "what is it Julienne? Jumped into drugs like your old man? Damn I thought your brother...Jj? Yeah Jj will end up like him but you, I gave you at least 20 years-" "You say one more thing about me, or my family and and I promise you will regret it" I hissed pushing him against the wall. "Jules let go" I hear Barry in the back, so I do. He's not worth my time anyway.

"Kiss Jj for me!" chuckles Rafe as he gets pulled in the room by Barry.

Hey !
I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter and I can't wait for you to read more !

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