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I forgot about the existence of this app mbmb.


Nene and Toya went to see what's going on. The shooting didn't stop, it was dangerous to get close to it but both of them were curious about the situation.

They hid in an alley, Nene tried peeking out to see what's happening.

"A boy with orange hair, the gun is a auto reload one, the main colour of his clothes is orange. He's with a girl with blonde hair, two ponytails and glasses. Her outfit colour is pink. Probably fighting.. For fun or something?"

The girl looked at Toya. He nodded and opened the tablet thing.

Aoyagi started searching something in it, writing all the informations Nene gave him. Soon, some kind of a holograph popped out of it. It was around twenty inches tall, showing a person looking exactly like the orange guy.

Nene looked at it, completely confused. How did he even do it? There was no option such as 'Find player' or something.

They both looked at the holograph, Kusanagi compared it to the orange haired boy she saw. It was the same person, exactly the same person as the boy with orange hair.

"Before you ask, I found an upgrade to the tablet.
I can give you one, I still have some level one upgrades in my inventory"

Toya handed Nene the upgrade and she took it. The girl upgraded her tablet too and searched the other girl.

This whole 'game' is so confusing.. Even math is better than this"

Nene giggled at her own joke before realising that the laughing stopped and both of the people they saw were nowhere to be found.

Toya walked out of the alley, to see if maybe they hid somewhere.

"Hey, there's no one-"

Suddenly someone pulled Toya to one of the buildings. He quickly reacted and pinned the person to the ground, holding his gun close to their head.

It was the orange haired boy Nene and Toya saw, he was smirking and looking at Toya.

"What do you want from me, inverted Todoroki?"

The boy kicked Toya and stood up, got his gun and tried shooting the other one.

Both of them started fighting, and yet none of them got shoot or hurt. Toya was good at dodging(?) and the orange boy was good at hiding. Soon, Nene found them both. The pink girl was there too.

Kusanagi and the girl looked at eachother.



Both of them yelled, stopping the boys from fighting. Both of the girls ran to each other and started screaming and hugging.

The orange haired boy and Aoyagi looked at them confused.

"Is this some kind of a joke..?"

Toya looked at Nene and Kohane.

"Shinonome, Aoyagi, do you two know eachother?"

Kohane asked and laughed.

"I suppose that the answer is 'No'. That's the worst way to meet your friend's friend.. So now you two know eachother"

She added and Nene started laughing with her.

Both of the boys looked at each other confused.

What did just happen?
The girls knew each other? Since when?
Why didn't Nene tell Toya that she knew the girl?

"It doesn't feel real" Akitoya Where stories live. Discover now