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Istg if this won't save I'm gonna go and do MMJ! Challenge
I changed the games name to cyber sniper because well I don't know but it's cool

The two hours went quickly. Toya and Nene didn't want to fight with others. They seemed so nice, no one said anything bad to them, some people even wanted to team up but Nene refused because she didn't trust them enough.

Before respawning in another places, everyone suddenly became more.. Aggressive? It was weird, maybe because they were stressed?

The sudden change scared Nene a bit. What if the system glitches and they will be stuck there for even more time? The people will go crazy.. But well, Nene felt safer with her friend.

Suddenly they heard ticking.

"What's this?"

And then they got teleported to another place. Nene sat down because she felt even more dizzy now.

"What.. Is happening?" She asked.

"We got teleported into random places on the map.. At least that's what I think" Toya replied.

They both looked at themselves, just to make sure that nothing changed.

Nene had an armour, it's hard to describe it.

Let me just..

That's better.

Nene took her gun from the inventory and decided to see if it works.

Bang! Bang!

It definitely works because soon something happened.

"Congratulations for Nene Kusanagi to get the first kill in the game!"


"WHAT" She yelled and looked at her gun.

Toya started laughing as Nene stared at the gun. It was so funny to see Nene's face. She was scared because Nene thought that two people were dead because of her. Well, she didn't read the 'Help' thing..  Toya decided to not tell her untill she totally freaks out. It was just hilarious to see her freaking out only because Nene didn't read the rules.

After some time, she looked at the help menu to see if she could do something to revive a player somehow.

Nene found out about one rule..
'In the first hour after getting teleported, even if you die, you will be respawned in another place'.

"That's so stupid! Why didn't you tell me Toya?! I hate this stupid 'game'!" Nene was angry and sad.

She felt like Toya was specially mean to her. Of course, that wasn't true. He only thought that it was a bit funny. Toya soon realised how angry Nene was.

Nene didn't know what was she angry at but she was angry. Maybe it's because of this stupid reality? She just wanted to go home and see her parents.

The new world was scary. And just by thinking that they are stuck in there for so much time.. How could Toya be so chill?

Maybe he was just happy because his father would maybe care about him more now since he's trapped here?

You know what I mean.

Of course Toya was kinda scared too but.. The fact that he was free from his father now.. It made him happy just thinking about being himself and not the version of him that Toya's father wanted him to be.

"Hey, can we maybe go somewhere else? I feel like we're going to be attacked the second someone gets here and yeah.." Nene asked and smiled nervously.

"I feel like that's not the only reason. What happened?" Toya replied confused and Nene just grabbed his hand.

They both went to a building next to them and soon Toya heard some people arguing and shooting.

They waited there for some time and Nene looked at the watch she had.

13:02 pm (Help is 11:02 PM the same time as 13:02 PM or I'm just dumb).

They heard shooting again.
People yelling and then suddenly the screams cut off.

Nene and Toya didn't even move untill everything stopped. Toya and Nene looked out of the window.

The players were laying there dead, their bodies started slowly becoming transparent. The blood was becoming transparent too.

That was probably how the game was coded. When someone dies, the bodies automatically disappear so they won't bother anyone. There were some items that the players had with them. None of them seemed useful.

Something.. Pink was glowing in between the items.

It was something similar to a hammer but.. Bigger. Much bigger.

A girl with pink her picked it up and jumped with joy. They could hear her scream.

"I finally found the wonderhoy big hammer that Aki(Akito) told me about! He's going to be so happy!" And some other things that they couldn't understand.

Nene was looking at the girl carefully. She thought that that girl was looking familiar.

Pink hair, the same energy..

"Nene, what's happening? You're smiling, what are you thinking about huh?" Toya asked.

"Smiling? I am smiling? I didn't even notice.." Nene said and giggled nervously.

After sitting in the building for some time, Nene and Toya decided to go out and maybe try to find someone to team up with.

Both of them had their guns reloaded and went to explore the city. Nene went into a shop and got some stuff from it, she wanted to make sure that her and Toya will have enough supplies.

Suddenly Toya heard some shooting and laughing.

Him and Nene went to investigate the loud noises.

"It doesn't feel real" Akitoya Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora