Cuddles and teddy bears

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I was able to get some time off with Alex. I was in the kitchen when Alex came rushing in.
"Kane, I'm hurt! My-my hand slipped and I accidentally cut my hand on Takers knives," Alex sobbed. I sat her on the counter and first kissed away her tears. She smiled faintly and I cleaned her hand. I bandaged it up and smiled.
"How bout a little kiss to make it feel even better?" I asked softly, leaning in to slowly kiss her soft lips.
"There, better," I said teasingly, trying to hold a now squirming Alex. She just kept giggling as if my hands were on a sweet spot. I tickled her more and Alex jumped away. I ran after her as she ran back to our room. We got into the room and I closed the door.
"Now, do I have to come over there and tickle you? Or you can come over here and I'll let you cuddle up on my chest," I murmured, slowly walking around the bed. Alex was in a giggling fit and I grabbed her. I buried my face into her neck and softly sucked. Alex moaned softly and I kissed my way up to her lips. I smirked when I heard the soft moan escape her lips and into my mouth. I pulled her body closer to me and I instantly regretted it. Alex jumped from my arms and onto the bed, shaking. I stared at her, shocked. Rhyno did something to her, I know it.
"Alex, did Rhyno do something to you?" I asked gently, sitting down next to her. She nodded and crawled into my lap, burying her face into my chest. That's when I realized, Alex just wanted to be cared about. Rhyno, I knew, abused her. I cuddled her close and I tenderly kissed her head. Her eyes were closed and a soft smile kissed her lips.
"Can you be my teddy bear for a little while?" Alex mumbled, snuggling even closer to my chest.
"Of course baby. Anything for you," I murmured, holding her and laying back against my pillows. I fell asleep soon after, Alex still on my chest.

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